Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Issues in Crime and Justice: The War and Genocide in Darfur

Global Issues in Crime and Justice The war and genocide in Darfur (Sudan) (2003-2010) The conflict in Darfur officially started in February of 2003 when a rebel group launched an attack on Golo. This rebel group refers to themselves as Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). Not long after, another Darfur rebel group arose, identifying itself as the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). The uprisings from the rebel groups, however, did not draw immediate reaction from the Sudanese Government. The turning point for the conflict which led to a war was the raid on al Fashir air base by both the Sudan Liberation Army and Justice and Equality Movement.According to Daly, 2010, military planes and helicopter gunships were destroyed, vehicles and weapons were seized, soldiers were killed and the base commander was captured. The SLA and JEM continued their attacks in Tine, Kutum and Mellit in May 2003. After the attack, the Sudanese government carried out a counter-insurgency campaign by coordinating a à ¢â‚¬Ëœspecial task force’ , composed of Arab militia men named Janjaweed. The Janjaweed militia was backed by government troops. Their task was to attack the Africans in Darfur and destroy their villages.The bombing of villages, rape and mass killing became the means to destroy the Africans in Darfur. Those who survived were displaced from their homes and moved into displacement camps in Sudan. However, assistance provided to the African survivors were minimal, the humanitarian aid workers were aggressively pressured and it was difficult to bring food and medicine supply into the camps. According to Hagan and Rymond-Richmond in 2009, more than 200, 000 displaced persons were pushed over the border into refugee camps in Chad. On the other side, the amount of deaths in Darfur varied.In fall of 2004, World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 70,000 deaths within seven months since the beginning of the war. However, this estimate is likely to only involve people who died in and a round camps. On the other hand, the State Department’s Atrocities Document Survey (ADS) provided data on people who died in the attack but does not include people who died in the camps. To obtain a more accurate picture, Hagan and McCarty (2009) combined the WHO and ADS data. The result is at least 200, 000 people had died in Darfur and the amount could have reached to 400, 000.There were many parties involved in the war and genocide in Darfur but there were definitely only two sides. The first side is the rebel groups, they are Sudan Liberation Army and Justice and Equality Movement. The other side of the conflict is the Janjaweed and the government of Sudan and its troops. The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) was first formed in 2002 by an alliance of Fur and Zaghawa with Abdel Wahid as its first chairman and Abdalla Abaker as its chief of staff. The SLA consisted of Zaghawa and Fur but their relation was sour.The inexperience leadership, disorganized infrastructure and tension and conflict within the SLA only made matters worse. By mid-2003, there were no longer communications made betwen the Zaghawa and the Fur resulting to division of the movement into two groups. After the death of Abdalla Abaker, Minnawi announced himself as the secretary general. There were then two factions of SLA – the SLA under Abdel Wahid and the SLA under Minnawi. The second group that entered the conflict in Darfur in 2003 was the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Its origin can be traced back to the mid-1990s.Having been marginalized, the Darfurians felt disappointed towards Islamist leaders in Sudan. The group consisted of mainly rebellious members of National Islamic Front in 1989. The JEM was formed in 2001 with Khalil Ibrahim as the leader holding the position of the chairman of the JEM. In response to the rebellion, the Sudanese government created a military force named Janjaweed which consisted of both Arab and Non-Arab groups. The Janjaweed became a ‘sta te security organs’ and the administrative system in Darfur became ‘military command’.They implemented a strategy where attacks would be made on African civilian in their towns and villages. Not only that, the Janjaweed was given a license to kill which allows them to kill and torture whoever they want with no limits imposed. The role of Sudanese government and its army would be to provide assistance to Janjaweed. This include from air support to cleaning up the crime scenes in Darfur. Despite the obvious proofs that genocide had taken place, the Sudanese government claimed that what happened was merely a counter-insurgency tactic to stop the rebellion and the blame was placed on the rebel groups.The rebel groups shared neither the same motivation nor the same goal. However, both SLA and JEM aimed to use armed rebellion as means to achieve their goals. For the SLA, the 1991 rebellion in Darfur convinced them to make changes in Darfur through armed rebellion. They were then motivated by the ideology of the ‘New Sudan’ and so were determined to make the ‘New Sudan’ as their goal. It was a concept suggested by Sudan People’s Liberation Army. It demanded a secular, democratic and decentralized government as well as equality in power and wealth.In contrast, the JEM was motivated by a document that was created in May 2000, The Black Book Imbalance of Power and Wealth in Sudan which gave a clear analysis of the underdevelopment of Darfur and the government’s lack of concern. The group’s goals were to call for ‘radical constitutional reform, regional empowerment and social democaracy’ excluding separation of state and religion. In contrast to SLA, their focus was on Sudan as a whole rather than solely on Darfur. The motivation behind the creation of Janjaweed by the Sudanese government was difficult to establish.The Sudanese government had repeatedly argued that its destructive behavior an d violent attacks on civilians were merely counter-insurgency tactics. However, it is believed that racial intent is used as motivating factor behind the destruction of African groups in Darfur . Daly in 2010 described that the goals of the Sudanese government as well as its troops and Janjaweed were to destroy settlements and property, evacuation of the land by killing the men, women and children or stigmatizing the women by raping them, and forced displacement of the survivors.There were many factors that may have caused the uprisings in Darfur however its immediate cause were the African’s experience of being marginalized, invaded, exploited and neglected. It is reasonable to believe that the factors which led to the formation of rebel group had also resulted to the occurrence of the first event in the war in Darfur: the uprisings. Among the factors were political and economic marginalization experienced by the Darfurians as described in the Black Book.The Sudanese governm ent did little attempt to help the economy of Darfur and the positions in government institution were mainly dominated by those from the Norths and Arabs. Another factor would be the increasing insecurity in Darfur caused by attacks on African villages carried out by Arab nomads. This was the main reason why the Zaghawa joined the Fur to form the SLA. The failure of the Sudanese government to solve the conflict between the Arabs and the African had resulted to a rebellion in 2003. The Sudanese government’s action escalated the rebellion turning it into a war and genocide.The government’s mistake was its failure to acknowledge the rebel groups and accept their demand. Furthermore, its decision to use the Janjaweed militia as a counter-insurgency tactic caused a creation of the ‘worst humanitarian crisis’. It is the way the Sudanese government reacted to the rebellion that based a basis of genocide in Darfur. Apart from the above factors, there were also oth er underlying factors that contribute to the conflict in Darfur. These factors existed long before the start of the rebellions in 2003.These factors include the drought in Darfur since the 1970s which caused a struggle of land and Arab supremacism in Darfur. Tensions between Africans and Arabs burst into violence when Darfur suffered from numerous droughts since the early 1970s. The increasing desertification had resulted to loss of produce, grazing land and livestock. This had caused conflict between the African farmers and Arab herders over territories and access to water. The droughts had forced the Arab herders to intrude on the lands of the African farmers causing a clash between them.The ethnic conflict was further intensified with the introduction of small arms that transformed the means of violence in Darfur. Favored groups were allowed to possess arms for the purpose of self-defense. Unfair policies were introduced to give legal protection to the Arabs and the policy itself undoubtedly showed favoritism towards the Arabs especially over matters relating to land. It is undeniable that the government had played a primary role in stimulating the ethnic conflict. In Darfur, the Arabs were often seen as superior to all others, which make those who are not Arab as inferior.The Arabs in Sudan dominated all aspect of life ranging from politics to social life. The relations between Arabs and Africans in Darfur became even tenser as the ideology of Arab supremacy led to ‘both the demonization and disenfranchisement of certain groups’ , in particular the Africans. One significant factor to include would probably be the disenfranchisement of Darfur. Darfur had been neglected by Sudan. Schools, medical facilities and the roads provided in Darfur were very minimal if compared to those provided in the north of Sudan.Even worst, there was no attempt to include the African in the politic and administration of Darfur or Sudan. The Africans have suffered di scrimination, prejudice and exclusion. These sufferings might have added to the conflicts that turned into rebellions and then war and genocide in 2003. The case of Darfur had frequently been labeled as crime against humanity due to the pattern of mass killing in Darfur. Maier-Katkin et al in 2009 presented a theory to explain the crimes against humanity. There are 6 suggested factors as to how crimes against humanity could have occurred.The first factor is the development of societal strain and anger depression. Secondly, the formation of primary group affiliations where tensions emerged between two groups- between the self and the other, or most commonly known as between us versus them. The third factor is the socialization and normalization of idea in the primary group. The next factor is the continuation of the previous factor, socialization of individuals into roles within the group makes them more incline to conform and follow orders from the authority.The fifth factor is that the possibility of the occurrence of crimes against humanity when there is a technique of neutralization. Lastly, where the target or victim is not threatening, crimes are easier to commit. In the case of Darfur, the second, third, fifth and sixth factor could be applied to explain the crimes of humanity committed against the Africans. Tension had developed between the Africans and Arabs long before the start of the war in 2003. The two groups had always clashed and thus satisfying the second factor.Secondly, the belief of the people in Sudan and Darfur is that Arabs are always superior to the Africans which make the African less valuable to the country. This idea had been normalized into the life of every person in Sudan. Not only that, technique of neutralization had clearly been used by the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed. Racial epithets expressed toward the Africans were commonly heard during the attacks. This is an act of dehumanizing the victims. The sixth factor refer s to the fact that the victims in the case of Darfur are civilian.They do not have the means to attack back and therefore no risk is associated with the perpetrators. Denials were used by the Government of Sudan in response to its Human Right violation. Stanley Cohen in 2001 presented 6 types of denial: denial of knowledge, denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of the victim, condemnation of the condemners, appeal to higher loyalty and moral indifference. It is possible that the Janjaweed and military forces of the Sudanese government had relied on the denial of responsibility and victim to justify their destructive actions.Whereas the Government of Sudan may have justified their action based on denial of knowledge, denial of victim and the condemnation of the condemners. Other than committing a crime against humanity, the Janjaweed had also committed crimes of obedience by following the order of Sudanese government to attack African civilian. No attempts were made to c hallenge the authority and the decision to obey was not done out of fright towards the government but was likely to be caused by hatred that developed between the ethnic lines. BibliographyCohen, S. , 2001. States of Denial. Cambridge University Press. Daly, M. W. , 2010. Darfur’s Sorrow: The Forgotten History of a Humaniatarian Disaster. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press. Flint, J. , Darfur’s Armed Movement. In: A. De Waal, ed. 2007. War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. Harvard University Press, p 140-172 Hagan, J. , Rymond-Richmond, W. , and Parker, P. , 2005. The Criminology of Genocide: The Death and Rape of Darfur, Criminology, 43(3), p 525. Haggar, A. , The Origins and Organization of the Janjawiiid in Darfur.In: A. De Waal, ed. 2007. War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. Harvard University Press, p 113-139 Hagan, J. and Rymond-Richmond, W. , 2009. Darfur and the Crime of Genocide. New York: Cambridge University Press. Maier-Katkin, D. , Mears, D. P. , and Bernard, T. J. , (2009) Towards a Criminology of Crimes Against Humanity, Theoretical Criminology 13(2) p 227-256 McCarty, B. and Hagan, J. , Counting the Deaths in Darfur Pitfalls on the Pathway to a Public Sociology. In V. Jeffries, ed. 2009. Handbook of Public Sociology.United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p 319-337 Tar, U. A. , 2006. Old Conflict, New Complex Emergency: An Analysis of Darfur Crisis, Western Sudan, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 15(3), p 406-427 Totten, S. , The Darfur Genocide. In: S. Totten and W. S. Parsons, ed. 2009. Century of Genocide: Critical essays and Eyewitness Accounts. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge. Tubiana, J. , A Conflict for Land? In: A. De Waal, ed. 2007. War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. Harvard University Press, p 68-91

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Explore the techniques used by pre-twentieth century Essay

Explore the techniques used by pre-twentieth century authors to build fear and tension for the reader in three or four short stories. You must refer to the historical context. â€Å"The Black Cat,† by Edgar Allan Poe, â€Å"The Blind Man,† by Kate Chopin† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† by Edgar Allan Poe. Usually, a black cat is an animal associated with witchcraft and black magic. And in Edgar Allan Poe’s nineteenth century short story, this is no different. They are viewed as mythical, demonic objects; objects of evil. The author’s cat is called Pluto. This name itself suggests that maybe it is a secretive animal, hidden and unknown, like the ninth planet it’s named after; nobody knows much about it. We soon learn that the cat is â€Å"entirely black, sagacious to an astonishing degree.† Much like the writer, this cat is portrayed as being wise and astute. Yet within what appears to be no time at all, the writer is fiercely describing the feline as being a â€Å"monster,† summoning hellish images into the mind of the reader. â€Å"The fury of a demon instantly possessed me† is a quotation which shows the writer’s abstract impulsiveness towards the cat. The writer abruptly grabs the â€Å"poor beat by the throat.† This kind of behavior is not associated with pets. It seems like the writer and subconsciously personified the beast, as he grabs it by the throat, instead of kicking it away like someone would expect. Once strangling the cat, Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"deliberately cut out one of its eyes.† This is extremely irrational behavior and happens so quickly. This conjures a lot of fear in the reader, and this man has suddenly taken part in a brutal, cold-blooded slaughter. The language used is very provocative and emotive throughout the story, and this is couple by a detached tone. The immediate shift from being ‘normal’ to suddenly growing mad and irrational is complex and acute. At the beginning of the next paragraph, he describes himself to be having a â€Å"feeble and equivocal feeling,† showing that he perhaps doesn’t realise what he has just done. This arouses suspicion in the reader, as we do not know what to think. Edgar Allan Poe continually tries to befriend the reader, yet he is horrific. We start to feel sympathetic towards him, and pathos is created. The man continued to present the reader with explanations and excuses for his â€Å"evil deed.† The feeling of witchcraft is echoed when he â€Å"was aroused from sleep by the cry of fire.† His house is alight, and after the blaze, people gather around. In the only wall that is left standing, an apparition of a gigantic cat. He then remembers, â€Å"that the cat had been hung in a garden adjacent to the house.† This brings the reader to try and piece together the pieces of this puzzle, but we cannot, for it is too complex. This scene creates a lot of tension in the reader. Once again, we see that this cat, from beyond the grave has managed to produce itself. It summons terror in the reader and insecurity fills Poe. One night, as the write stood, â€Å"absolutely stupefied,† he sees a black object, and it turns out to be a large black cat, almost identical to the former animal, with the exception of a large white patch. Within time, the writer starts to feel hatred towards the cat, the only thing preventing him form physically hurting it being â€Å"the remembrance of my former deed of cruelty.† Again, impulsively, the man commits a terrible act of gruesome, murderous hatred. He kills his wife, horrifically. After this, the cat seems to have vanished. Even though the man manages to conceal the body in the wall, he is overcome with fear, just as the reader, and beings to make excuses and become petrified himself. This is shown as madness, and this makes the story intense and full of tension. Allan Poe describes the police party as being â€Å"an assassination.† This instantly shows us that something bad is going to happen, as an assassination is a planned killing. The arrogance of the killer annoys the reader, yet we still feel a subconscious sympathy towards him, for he is lost within himself; â€Å"I know myself no longer.† The writer builds up a lot of tension at the end. The whole plot has been leading up to an intense crescendo, and when the writer is at the height of confidence, a â€Å"continuous scream, utterly anomalous† was heard, â€Å"only out of hell.† The re-appearance of the animal definitely doesn’t seem lie ka coincidence. We have no ide a where it is, and then, suddenly, it foils the old, murderous villain. In the nineteenth century, people believed in witchcraft. They believed in ghosts and all superstitious theories. The writer uses this to extract terror from the reader. â€Å"My original soul seemed at once, to take it’s flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.† This quotation exploits the reader and emphasizes the views of society. The writer’s wife believed in the â€Å"ancient popular notion which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise.† It is a story of a butchering; a cold-blooded, violent execution. Throughout, the reader is tense and fearful. Tension is built up with evocative language and sudden switches of mood and tempo. In â€Å"The Blind Man,† by Kate Chopin is a confusing story. It is extremely mysterious, with perception playing a big part in what is real, and what the reader imagines. The principal character of â€Å"The Blind Man,† is represented as being wise. The fact that he â€Å"walked slowly down the street,† and he wore â€Å"an old straw hat and faded garments† does not produce an image of poorness; yet summons an illustration or superiority. In the first sentence of the story, the reader is told that he was â€Å"carrying a small red box in one hand.† This is, at first, very mysterious and we are intrigued to learn of it’s contents. The reader is also told that he is walking on â€Å"the blistering asphalt pavement,† even though there is plenty of shade on the other side of the road â€Å"where the trees where thick.† As we do not yet know that the man is blind, the reader feels insecure and suspicious about the man’s posit ion. When we find out the man is blind, the reader feels a sense of understanding, and empathizes with the old man, even though â€Å"he was not old.† The writer personifies the man’s feelings. â€Å"Hunger, with sharp fangs was gnawing at his stomach.† This seems unusual and eerie; the setting does not produce an image of fear, yet this powerful phrase ‘wakes up’ the reader and creates a tension and slight hope that something will happen. When the group of boys try and take his box away from him, he acts like anyone would. He shouts at them, and tries to get it back. The reader thinks, that when a policeman came round the corner, he would get his box back and the boys would get in trouble. However, upon â€Å"seeing that he was the centre of a disturbance, jerked him violently† and took him aside. This scared the reader as it is totally unexpected, and is preparing us for another unexpected event, yet to come. â€Å"Then, something happened.† Before we even learn the details, suspense has already been built, as the reader is told than something has happened. It doesn’t matter at this stage what it is – all that matters is that we are on the edge of our seat, waiting. Emotions run wild as we learn that whatever has happened made â€Å"the strongest men who saw it grow sick and dizzy.† This is a phrase which emphasized the brutality of the collision. Even the â€Å"superhuman effort† that the man used to try and stop his car failed. By now, the reader is unhappily excited, the action that has taken place gives an adrenaline rush and provides the reader with tense desire to find out more. As the truth is revealed, there is a complete anticlimax. It is not as we expected; it is not the blind man in the road. Even though this is a big surprise, there is no real shock. â€Å"The blind man did not know what the commotion was all about. He had crossed the street.† This final sentence of the story is unexplained and devious. It seems supernatural, as if he is acting suspicious. Edgar Allan Poe’s, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† is an evocative and extremely intensifying story, filled with twists and shock. In the first sentence, suspense is built up and the writer is snappy and precise with his words. â€Å"The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed,† is powerful yet confusing, as usually, a disease would not improve senses or physical attributes. As this is an inexplicable statement, the reader becomes wary and suspicious of this character almost immediately, thus setting the scene for a horror story. â€Å"Passion there was none. I loved the old man.† The fact that ‘loved’ is past tense, immediately shows that something either isn’t right, or has changed. The writer proceeds to say, â€Å"Madmen know nothing. You should have seen me,† really emphasizing how scary he is. And the reader is nervous – they are completely unaware and naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve. But even this madman has fears. And this makes is scarier for the reader, and we soon find out that a pale blue eye that â€Å"resembled that of a vulture,† made the writers â€Å"blood run cold.† This language creates a lot of anxiety and trepidation, for there is another character, powerful enough to trigger terror amongst the writer and the reader. Other phrases used, such as â€Å"I heard many things in hell† are demonic and hellish, showing that this story is likely to be dangerously horrid. The image that we have of this man being mad and out of control is shattered on the second page of the book, when he describes how it took him â€Å"an hour to place my whole head within the opening† of the door. This continues – it takes him an hour to put the lantern in until, eventually; he is standing in the doorway. This really does build tension, very slowly, because all of a sudden, the â€Å"old man sprung up in bed, crying out – â€Å"Who’s there?† This is slightly baffling, as the writer didn’t make any sounds – he â€Å"could feel the extent of my powers – of my sagacity.† Again, Edgar Allan Poe stands and waits for an hour. The old man groans, and it is a groan â€Å"of mortal terror.† The word ‘mortal’ prompts the reader to think about death and dying, also triggering the imagination – we want and need something to happen. The author then uses metaphors to add tension to the piece. â€Å"A single dim ray, like the thread of a spider† show the amount of precision; the perfection. Again, the writer refers to the eyes as being a â€Å"vulture.† Before the writer commits the sin he hears a sound. It is like a â€Å"watch makes when enveloped in cotton.† This makes us think about what this simile means. Poe stands by the mans door again, but this time for a number of minutes. The time has shortened, showing impatience and eagerness. The reader shivers with anticipation until eventually he â€Å"threw open the lantern and leaped into the room.† There is a total loss of the wit; the planning. However, it is a criminal calculation; perfectly planned. When the man is dead, the killer †dismembered the corpse.† This is a particularly provocative verb and sparks a gruesome image to enter the reader’s head. The writer believes himself to be perfect, and his audacity is arrogant. More suspense is built when the police enter. This is a great technique as the reader then feels that there is still more action to come. Again, the write is confident; â€Å"my manner convinced them. I was singularly at ease.† His head starts aching as he â€Å"fancies a ringing in my ears.† This produces confusion, and this confusing rapidly turns into excitement. â€Å"The ringing became more distinct†¦no doubt I grew very pale.† Edgar Allan Poe is hearing a noise; a familiar noise; â€Å"a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.† a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.† This repetition is extreme and the reader is overcome with anxiety. In one sense, we actually want the assassin to get away with his dastardly crime, as it will be more exciting. The fretfulness and unease continues to grow and the noise persists in booming in the ears of the poor fellow, until he lets out a roar of confession, shouting, â€Å"Villains! ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed!† This quickfire of shouted remarks is out of desperation and guilt. The final line of the story is, â€Å"it is the beating of his hideous heart! This refers to the old, dead man. But this is also extremely ironic, and the sound that was ringing in Poe’s ears was out of guilt, and subconsciously it was his own heart. It is human nature to have fears. Lots of people have claustrophobia, and many more would hate to be buried alive. In † The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat,† there are incarcerations and live burials. This is extremely disturbing and people in the nineteenth century would be extremely disturbed to see or hear of such events. The shock horror at the end of all three stories is graphic: the imagery produced is sensitive and detailed. Edgar Allan Poe and Kate Chopin use many different techniques and methods to build up tension and suspense. Use of effective, redolent language, and the reader’s imagination combine to force painful settings and events into the story. Nineteenth century society was brutal – there were gruesome executions and murders, and suspicious activity and witchcraft were looked down upon and punished. Conflict between logic and instinct in characters puts strain and pressure on the reader. Confusion and unexpected twists in the complex plots produce fear and total anxiety in the reader.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Coding Means for Reimbursement in a Physicians Office Essay

What Coding Means for Reimbursement in a Physicians Office - Essay Example This process entails building of patient’s medical records whilst under the care of the practitioners. The medical coders must adhere to the correct procedures of coding to come up with standardized codes, which are recognizable by the insurance companies. Having this information easily identifies the correct codes that are used, which are universal. Proper coding will indeed reduce any events of failure that may result from coding. Buck is of the opinion that medical coding, in this case, is needed to ensure that proper checks are conducted3 and thus to make it easier for the insurance companies to review and assess the patients’ claims. Medical coders ensure that all blood work and diagnostics performed by medical doctors consist of the required coding and are correct and standardized. This relates to the fact that medical coding allows for the use of the correct codes and data and, consequently, effectual review of all claims that are submitted4. The set codes are then used to encode all claims that health insurers receive. In the laboratory, medical coding has played the role of reviewing the tests that medical practitioners prepare to conduct. Through coding, doctors are able to carefully assess the tests and the help of medical coders. Close collaboration between medical coders and doctors makes it easier to double-check the entire process in case of any complications in the paperwork. Additionally, this coding process through team work ensures that there are minimal delays in the payments made whilst in the laboratory. Time is also well spent in this process of review, which is of great use in the medical world. It can be concluded that medical coding is a process that should be undertaken with utmost deference by all medical practitioners if a small number of complications and cases are to be characteristic of any medical facility. All

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical commentary about Ludwig Wittgenstein's view of 'hinge Essay

Critical commentary about Ludwig Wittgenstein's view of 'hinge propositions - Essay Example When what is considered known turns out to be false, it is a shattering experience that can change the perception of life and the worldview of those who are then enlightened by new truths. The idea of what is known is absolute is an important premise upon which entire belief systems are built. Wittgenstein, when he wrote about the theory of hinge propositions that ended up on a consolidated volume called On Certainty, he was searching for a way to eliminate scepticism from the general belief systems that exist within philosophy. Although the theory of hinge propositions appears to have a solution for the subject of scepticism, the idea that there can be ‘knowns’ has been historically refuted, changing the world view and the position of human beings through profound changes which prove that absolutes are not always absolutely true and are dependent upon cultural belief systems. There are many problems with the exploration that Wittgenstein has made on the concept of hinge propositions. In his search for an answer for scepticism, he made copious notes on the topic which is what have been put together in order to create the volume of work that is known as On Certainty. Moyal-Sharrock criticizes it as not being a work because it was never composed into a true book or volume, but rather it is a group of notes that are not well organized and they were never polished. Still, they have a thematic continuity that allows for an overall impression of the thoughts that Wittgenstein was having about certainty without the benefit of cohesion created by placing them together to form theoretical foundations.1 Prichard goes on to discuss how Wittgenstein is not trying to highlight something that is not accessible but is trying to shed light on what is familiar, creating a discourse on the nature of language and the way it is not only an activity, but a form of life. Language only has value as it is in use.2 How humans express their lives and what they know is centr al to creating socialization and culture, giving meaning and frameworks within which a certainty of knowing develops and creates a foundation for other theories and belief systems. Theory of Hinge Propositions The last year and a half of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s life produced a series of writing on philosophy that proposed great number ideas about the concept of what is known. As an example, Wittgenstein established that he knows that he has one hand and that he also has another. He established that â€Å"the earth existed a long time before my birth† as an assertion that this was another concept that was known (OC Preface). His purpose in bringing forward the ideas that seem so simple as truths was to create an awareness that there are always ideas that are a given and are the basis upon which theory is built. He states â€Å"That is to say, it belongs to the logic of our scientific investigations that certain things are in deed not in doubt† (OC  §342). He uses the idea of the hinge as a way to define what he means. He states â€Å"If I want the door to turn, the hinges must stay put† (OC  §343). In order to create inquiry, there are stabilities in belief that are maintained to make those theories work. There are absolutes that create a sense of stability upon which the world operates, those beliefs creating a solid platform from which to situate all other belief systems, some of which must then take leaps based

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Are mobile phones fashionable Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Are mobile phones fashionable - Case Study Example A strategic plan entails all aspects of the business. Of paramount importance to any business is the market. This comes before the actual business is initiated. The plan will illustrate the kind of market to venture in. In the case of Nokia Telecommunication Company, the details of the market of target could include: office managers, the business world, students who really on research and could benefit from the internet. Nokia could also target the general public who needs very cheap and affordable phones due to their low economic status. Another market is the very rich citizens of the society. These are people who always go with class. A class in this respect is measured in terms of wealth. One is of a higher class if they have very expensive gargets. Nokia phone whose value range is 800 is the best for such a group (National statistics, 2007). The strategic plan should also give a summary of activities that take place in the market. This explicitly gives the account of the market size and scope. Nokia targets the global market as a whole. However the greatest of this is in the major markets like USA. The United Kingdom is one of the world's most globalised countries, ranking fourth in one recent survey. The capital, London is one of the three major financial centres of the world, along with New York City and Tokyo. Such a market is large and very dynamic. New inventions arrive and go at a very high frequency. Nokia is therefore put to task of introducing new inventions at the market rate. As the fashion industry expands in creativity, Nokia is also forced to maintain the pas of assimilation. This is so because the buyers taste is influenced greatly by what is current in the market. A strategic plan of a business also will contain information about the competitors that a company will meet in the market. It is a must to have competition in any sphere of life. The truth however is that no one gets pleased about this, especially when a rival has an advantage over them. A Strategic plan gives details on how to be on top of the other players. Normal competitive pressures are not able to drive down a firm's earnings to the point where they cover all costs and just provide minimum sufficient additional return to keep capital invested. Most forms of competitive advantage cannot be sustained for any length of time because the promise of economic rents drives competitors to duplicate the competitive advantage held by any one firm. Firms get to improve their products, and lower the cost of purchase of their products. Sustainable competitive advantage simply an advantage that one firm has relative to competing firms. The source of the advantage can be something the company does that is distinctive and difficult to replicate. This is known as core competency in business terms. Nokia has advanced in leading the market through Cost Leadership, Differentiation Focus and Cost Focus. A company must have the right resources like finance, assets, and technical competence to thrive well in the competitive environment (Scholes, 2008). The environment may also affect the competition levels in the industry. The ways in which the environment does this are obvious. These include the number of companies in the market, the prices used by the competitor and the strengths of the host company. Strategies exist widely at several levels in any organisation -

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Historical place (Pyramids) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Historical place (Pyramids) - Research Paper Example One of those theories argues that they were build with terrestrial impetus power. However, it is important to say that the work of building the pyramids followed a period of research and experiments which resulted to the successful construction of the royal mortuary, the pyramids (Calvert). Egypt has three major pyramids, the Pyramid of Khafre, the pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Menkaure was representing three different generations (Calvert). The pyramids were a resting consign of the pharaoh and comprised of a temple and other important artifacts of the Pharaoh. Moreover, on the periphery of the pyramids were other small rectangular which belonged to the queens. The information the author is explaining aim to educate his audience about the Great Pyramids of Gaza (Calvert). The author focuses on an undisclosed audience in need of information regarding one of the Wonders of the world. The pyramids have an important history in the journey of Israelite from Egypt to their present land in the Middle East. The Israelite has been in slavery in Egypt for many years, and Christian has attachment to the history of ancient Egypt. In writing the article, the author wants his audience to know the reason behind the construction of the pyramids. He says that the pyramids were constructed as a mortuary complex of the rulers of Egypt in a thousand years, in ancient Egypt. Furthermore, Calvert intends to expound on the science behind the pyramids constructions. He says that they were constructed by an army of craftsmen’s and supplemented by 2000 seasonal peasant’s workmen. The craftsmen were grouped into 200 men and further separated into a cluster of 20 men (Calvert). Calvert says that evidence of towns near the pyramid confirms that a lot of people were used to move stone block from the quarry to the construction site. The article by Calvert Amy comprises an academic writing. It is written

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night Essay

The potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night shift rather than day and evening shift - Essay Example Conventionally, the innate biological clock have more often been overlooked and set aside by its anatomic owner because of changes in lifestyle, and because of economic developments which is now more of intensified productivity to cope with increasing demand. Consequently, organizational operations maybe 24/7, which requires at most 3 different sets of workers. So, there are those that are assigned to day shift. There are also separate set of workers assigned for the evening shift. And, another set is assigned for the night shift. The workers assigned for the day shift are the most likely set of people who obeys the law of nature in terms of meeting the number of hours for rest at a particular time of the night that the body has been accustomed to while growing up. Thus, given that the same set of people eats at regular interval, a balance diet, then, biological physiologic functions of the body can be presumed to run normal as well as body size and weight. Conversely, the potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night shift rather than day and evening shift.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Youth Unemployment in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Youth Unemployment in UK - Essay Example According to the report, which defines youth as the age between 16 to 24 years, individuals claiming allowances for jobseekers rose from 5,300 to 1.6 million in October 2011. In general, the rate of youth unemployment has gone just past twenty percent, the highest ever recorded since 1992. Some economists have attributed these results to the reeling effects of the 2009 recession to the increase in the number of youths leaving school or university. That is the convectional belief. The government of UK blames the rise in unemployment on the deteriorating job market and the effects of the euro-zone debt crisis. Chris Graylin, employment minister, gave a statement blaming the euro-zone troubles for increasing unemployment rates. Graylin called for the government to help the youth through schemes such as the government initiated work experience and work program that have placed several people out of benefits into workplaces. Lord Oakeshott, a Liberal Democrat, dismisses the ministerâ€⠄¢s view blaming the government policy of cutting spending as reason behind the rise (Shimer, 2010:45). He says that the government has been cutting its spending budget too fast and too far, pushing the rate of borrowing and unemployment high. The recent employment scheme adopted by the government, the New Deal, has the objective of reducing the long-term unemployment rates among older workers and youths. The scheme includes employment training and employment subsidies for the participants. There is need to define unemployment in order to understand the issues of youth unemployment. According to International Labor Organization, unemployment is actively searching for economic employment/ work without success. Some economic critics claim that there are jobs for the youth; it is only that the youth are not willing to work hard and are unreliable. A recent feature in the Telegram by Alasdair Palmer concerning the recent report by ONS, the author of the feature gives an example of emplo yer from a fruit grower company complaining about the lack of English recruits in the region’s labor market (Palmer, 2011:21). The fruit grower has 300 workers in the farm, and only one is English. According to the fruit grower, the jobs are there but the English are not willing to drop the unemployment benefits they enjoy and some request to be paid cash. The author goes ahead and gives another industry where Briton youths are unemployed: bars and restaurants. According to the author, Britons youths are unreliable and rude to customers. An analyst would most likely advocate for abolition of minimum wage or temporary imposition of moratorium on it to create more employment opportunities. Nevertheless, this has not been any successful, at least in research. A research by Institute of Fiscal Studies indicates that the minimum wage system has no direct effect to the level of unemployment. The report raises concerns that withdrawal of the benefits upon taking a job and reduction of the minimum wage rate would result to inability of people to live on the offered amount sustainably (Boeri & Ours, 2008:44). According to Dr Jonathan Wadsworth from London School of Economics, the youth do not lack employment because they are work shy or because of the minimum wage. According to him, the employees are not willing to employ them. Older people already in work positions have accepted pay cuts and pay freeze in order to maintain their jobs. This means that most employees have managed to maintain their job position, resulting to the low rate of unemployment that resulted from the recession. Despite this, the result means that employers have not been absorbing new employees who are traditionally youth. Such policies are the causes of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Family violence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family violence - Assignment Example According to Barnet et al. (2011), family violence refers to violence between family member’s i.e. husbands, wives, children and parents. The APA dictionary of psychology defines domestic violence as â€Å"any action by a person that causes physical harm to one or more members of his or her family unit† (p.23).Family violence can be learned through cultural values which are repeatedly communicated through media and institutions that tolerate it. Alcohol and drug abuse could be another force of family violence. According to Halter & Varcarolis (2014), alcohol and drugs cloud ones judgment (p. 540). However; alcohol could be used as a scapegoat to avoid arrests and punishment when caught in the act. Anger is another force that could cause people to be entrapped in family violence. Lack of skills to handle anger and stress may cause overwhelming problems for both victim and perpetrator as forms of communications may have broken down (p.11). Psychological conditions such as bipolar may contribute to cases of violence. Such conditions should be treated and people informed of the condition in case of an attack. In all different cases discussed above aggression stands out as perpetrators of violence use this tool to overpower their victims. It is also important for afflicted families and individuals to come out and seek the protection of the law and access counseling services. The children’s act 38 of 2005 gives clear outlines children’s rights and parents responsibilities towards children. The law has provisions of protection against physical child abuse. Many facets have been associated with child abuse. These include individual pathology, parent –child interaction, past abuse in the family and situational factors. (Bryant, 2011) discusses different theories of physical abuse according to Crosson-Tower (2008) which are linked to the children’s

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human Arrangements Essay Example for Free

Human Arrangements Essay The increase of poverty in the recent years is one of the major problems which the United States has to face. As the survey shows, the highest poverty rates in the United States were witnessed during the years of recession, for example 1960, 1975, 1983 and others. However, the poverty rates increased dramatically through 2001-2003. In 2002, the number of people in poverty reached 34. 4 million, which is 12. 1% of the population. The poverty rate was at its lowest level between 1970-1980 years, but since that time it never decreased until that level. In the last years, it was the lowest in 2000 (at the level of 11%) but since that time it kept increasing annually. In 2003, poverty rate reached 12. 5% which is 0. 4% higher than in 2002. The dynamics of poverty in the United States also shows that the most vulnerable members of the society are people under the age of 18 (17% of them are in poverty). Citizens aged 18-64 have had the lowest poverty rates up to 2002, when the level of poverty rates of seniors (aged 65 and older) reached their level. According to the regional characteristic, states in which poverty rates increased the most included Florida, Illinois, Utah, South Carolina and others. It is also necessary to analyze the dynamics of poverty rates among different races. According to the survey, poverty rates increased greatly among all of the races present in the United States. At the same time, the income level of White, Asian and Black households remained unchanged while the income of Hispanic households experienced some decrease. Among these groups, Black households have the lowest level of income and thus have the highest poverty rates among the groups in the society. In 2003, the median income of Black families reached only $30,000 which was only 62% of the $48,000 income of White households (non-Hispanic origin). The group with the highest income level, and thus the smallest number of people below the poverty line was Asians. Their average income reached $55,000 in 2003. It is possible to conclude that among all of the groups, Blacks are experiencing the most problems with obtaining income. Asian households receive almost the double income of what Black households receive. Due to the fact that poverty rates are increasing with years, it means that Black citizens are going to become more and more vulnerable in the society. In 2003, 24. 4% of Black people were below the poverty line, and the percentage has increasing by 2005. For comparison, only 11% of Asian people were below the poverty line in 2003. There are many reasons why the poverty rate among Blacks has changed the most during the recent years. First, due to discrimination, many Black people are still unable to get high-paying jobs which people of other origins get easily. The experience of New Orleans shows that despite the hopes of African Americans hat discrimination would be reduces with time, this process is very slow. Most of the people affected by hurricane in New Orleans lost their houses and jobs, and it will be very difficult for them to achieve their previous level of income in the following years. Unfortunately, the government did not take any measures to assist the people whose houses were devastated by the hurricane. Situation with New Orleans is only one of the examples of how discrimination occurs in the United States and Black population is unable to reach the same income level as other races. Another reason of high poverty rate among Blacks is their inability to enter prestigious establishments of higher learning. Due to the low income level of their families in comparison with other races, they are often unable to obtain good education which would lead them to high-paying jobs. At the same time, it is necessary to mark that due to the introduction of Civil Rights legislation, the poverty level of Blacks in the recent years is much lower than it was before the adoption of legislation. Even though the poverty rate has been increasing during the last years, the average rate is much lower than it was in the 50s. Despite the fact that Blacks are still experiencing some sort of discrimination, it is much less noticeable as it was before the adoption of Civil Rights legislation. Owing to the legislation, they finally got an opportunity to have the same rights as white people and thus the overall poverty level among Blacks declined dramatically in comparison with previous decades. Bibliography. 1. Poverty in the United States- 2002. Issued September 2003. Available at URL: 2. Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2003. Issued August 2004. Available at URL: http://www. census. gov/prod/www/abs/income. html.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Condominium Living in Malaysia

Condominium Living in Malaysia The concept of condominium living in Malaysia is already promoted for few years before and almost all the people in the city will accept this type of housing. Due to the rapid rate of urbanisation and scarce of land available, condominium become the most popular housing types which lead to maximise the usage of land available with providing the facilities. Condominium living has become more common in a feature of the residential landscape in many parts of the country, especially in densely populated areas such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang. This is mainly cause by the scarcity of land in big cities and rapid urbanisation due to massive population migration. Other than population migration, the needs of people and changing lifestyle have also contributed to the development of the high-rise building over the country. Limited land has driven up the prices of properties, especially the place such as those in the Kuala Lumpur city centre and the fast developing corridors in the Klang Valleys (The Star, 2004). Since Malaysia is now promoting a policy, housing-owning democracy with a target which every family will own a house. With this policy, there is an opportunity to let the people choose what kind of housing is likely to be bought. Condominium living can open up an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between three major ethnic for racial integration. It is to help the political and economic stability in the country. All the residents will share their responsibility and give their effort over the common areas and facilities such as corridor or the recreational facilities within the condominium. There are many reasons why people make their homes in condominiums. Some is because their children have grown up and moved out, and their homes are now too large. Others consider it because it is cheaper to buy a unit in a condo rather than a landed property in the location they want (National House Buyers Association, 2009). Living within the condominium where neighbours can be easily call upon when problems arise will increase the mutual understanding between the neighbours. Condominium living is about lifestyle and buying a condominium is actually investing in a lifestyle (Chan, C. K., 1991). Some rich people will buy the condominium just because of the facilities it is provided. They can just rent the condominium in term of it location or equipped by good facilities such as 24-hour security, swimming pools and barbecue pits. From this chapter, we will understand concept of condominium development, definition of condominium, the types of condominium, basic instrument for purchasing condominium, the units, common areas, Strata Title Act (1985) and Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663). The Concept of Condominium Development: Condominium means to control (dominion) a certain property jointly with (con) one or more persons (Chan, C. K., 1991). This housing development is a form of co-ownership over a multiple-unit property, for instance flat. The co-ownership will own a unit and have their own interest in the air space and an undivided interest in the common area, such as corridor, lobbies, playground, garden, swimming pools and car park. Condominium development is to be introduced and solved the problem because of the rapid urbanisation and limited of land available. Due to these problems, condominium is more popular in the crowded city such as Kuala Lumpur. Desa Kudalan project was the first project launched in Kuala Lumpur which was located in the up-market area of Jalan Pekeliling (Chan, C. K., 1991). Demand of condominium is rise in crowded cities and there will be some of the factors that contributed to the demand such as scarcity of land and high land cost. Because limited land available in cities, it driven up the land price goes up. Condominium developments help the citizen to have their own house which in the multiple-unit property, condominium where each individual has their own interest known as unit. As the population rise, some cities are facing shortage of housing. Multiple-unit property will help the citizen to have their own house which fulfilled the housing democracy which now promoting by the government where every citizen owns their house. People nowadays are more educated and they will meet and satisfy their need to fulfil the life they want to be. Changing lifestyle is one of the factors for the contribution of condominium development. There are many facilities provided by living in condominium such as24-hour security and swimming pool. The types of condominium development are different in the form of low rise and high rise, integrated linked type, cluster of repetitive nature, in varying community density, in more central urban region and the suburban as well as areas of resort, in varying cost values; but in all cases, the concept of mutual benefitting community living remains the basic (Sze To, K. Y., 1979). The concept of condominium development is consider quite success in the crowded city compare to rural area. This has helped to create a market for condominium housing and citizens have more choice to choose according to their favourite. Definition of Condominium: Con-dominium is derive from two word which mean joint sovereignty or in the more historical sense joint control of a State by other States. In housing development, it is referred to subsidiary title coupled with common title or as defined under the National Land Code in previous days (Sze To, K. Y., 1979). The word condo or condominium comes from the two Latin words- con means together and dominium, means property. A condominium can be an apartment, house, townhouse or a unit in an apartment house in which the units are individually owned. Hence, there is always common property owned with others- recreation areas, lawns, basement, garage as well as the individual units are owned outright ( Kalia, A., 2007). Others than that, condominium is the home ownership that owned by the individual units, which is known as condominium units. Undivided interest means a share or right that owned by the unit holder, but the ratio or the share cannot be defined apart from the whole (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Each unit owner has the same interest which is called shared rights towards the common areas that used together, for instance swimming pool, car park, barbecue pits, elevator and others. Management of the condominium is responsibility to well manage the common area in order to provide a harmonies environment within the condominium. An amount of money, which is management fee, will be paid by the unit owners every month in order the property management are sufficient money to manage the common areas. Normally, home owners will form an association, to maintain and manage the common areas. There are various types of design unit within a condominium, such as studio unit, penthouse and duplex. Penthouse and duplex are expensive condominium living and normally rich people will purchase this kind of condominium to match their luxury lifestyle. Studio unit is consists of dining, living and bedroom that combined together to become a large room. The kitchen facilities as a part of the central room. Bathroom in this unit has its own smaller partition. Penthouse which high classification in the condominium is located at the top of the building. It is separate from with others building to have privacy by unique design such as high ceiling. Duplex consist of two floors connected by internal staircase in condominium. Types of Condominium: There are several type of condominium such as residential condominium, non-residential condominium, standard condominium and phase condominium. Residential condominium is owned by the individual units which the owner will occupy for living purpose. Some of the owner will rent out to others to earn the rental income. They will pay monthly maintenance fee to management department of condominium for maintaining and managing the common area that all the owners have the shared right on it. There is also non-residential condominium can be found in the property market such as hotel, services apartment, retail shop and office building. The structure is the same with the residential condominium but the difference is the usage of the building. Standard condominium is just a general type of condominium that can be found in any country. This kind of condominium is subdivided into units and common area. Hence, this kind of owner will own different but inseparable entities. One is the well defined space that used for residential purpose; one is the common area which the owner have shared interest on it. This shared interest between the owners cannot be defined from the whole part. Phased condominium is a condominium developed according to stages. Normally, the time to complete the development will not exceed 10 years. Hence, the condominium development size will increase from time to time until the development is complete. The advantage of this type of condominium is the purchasers do not have to wait for so long for the development to complete. There is also a benefit for the developer which the income does not influence by the period to occupy or awaiting title. This type of condominium will use phase one to be the name that completed first. The owners is also own different but inseparable entities. Basic Instrument for Purchasing Condominium: Before the condominium can be purchased, there are three instruments used in order to purchase condominium, deed of Mutual Covenant, declaration of condominium and bylaw of condominium association. Deed of Mutual Covenant: When a person purchases a property where there are common areas that need all the involvement of all the unit owners, the owner will asked to enter into a Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) while the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is signed upon. Deed of Mutual Covenant is an agreement of mutual involved between the developer and the purchaser. The contents different from developer to developer, and they are distinctly separate from those in the SPA (National House Buyers Association, 2004). Housing Development Act does not regulate the contents in DMC compare to Sale and Purchase Agreement. The contents consist of the clauses which assure the purchaser and the developer. There are some clauses are as follows: Maintenance Charges. The maintenance charges are the agreed amount that valid for a period. After the period, the agreed amount will be increased to a reasonable amount. Undertaking Not To Lodge A caveat. DMC restrict the purchaser or owner to lodge any caveat on the property. Right of the developer to cease supply of utilities. Developer has the right to cut the utilities such as electricity and water supply, in case of any default or delay payment by the resident. Consent fees. National House Buyers Association (2004:1) stated. The amendment to the Housing Regulations, effective Dec 1, 2002, developers can only charge a sum of 0.5% of the purchase price or RM500, whichever is lower. This is regardless of when the SPA was signed. The amended Housing Regulations also states that: No housing developer shall collect any fee by whatever name called for giving his consent to any purchaser or subsequent purchaser of a housing accommodation to assign his rights and benefits to and in the contract of sale to any financial institution providing a loan for such purchaser to finance or part finance the purchase of the housing accommodation Period of validity of the DMC. The validity period of DMC is the strata titles have been issued to the each unit owners and the management corporation is formed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many dispute causes by the clauses between developers and buyers. The maintenance charges will be increase to a reasonable amount after certain period. Some buyers do not check during signing the DMC or do not understand what is the reasonable amount will be stated. The disputes begin with developers after certain period when buyers realise they have to pay more for maintenance charges. Although the buyer is owned the property, he is no right to enter any caveat to his own property to secure his rights. Government should solve the dispute between developers and buyers by standardize contents of DMC like Sale and Purchase Agreement to ensure the equilibrium balance between developers and buyers. Declaration of Condominium:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The declaration of condominium (also known as the declaration of restrictions or master deed) establishes the definition of the private and common elements within the condominium community, and outlines the rights and obligations of the owners. It is actually a legal instrument recorded that create a condominium development under law. This declaration of condominium will set up a fund to maintain the property, and creates the condominium association. Instructions for how amendments are to be when the change of conditions of demand should be given by the declaration of condominium. For instance, the developer has to prepare a declaration of condominium to fully state the ownership rights of the owners according to their units (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Articles of Incorporation:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Constitution condominium community is a set of rule and regulation which same as the articles of incorporation and declaration of condominium. The articles of incorporation will constitute the rule and regulation for the purpose of condominium and it will be stated there whether it is for investment purpose or just for resident occupation. The condominium will operate according to the rules and regulation when the article of incorporation is legally bound while condominium by-law will establish the guidelines of condominium. Membership requirements, election procedures, and the powers and duties of the directors and officers are regulated by by-law. They determine how the finances are to be handled, and how the project is to be maintained, insured, and restricted. By-law will continuous change and amend to meet the suitable condition (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Bylaw of Condominium Association; By-law should be abided by the condominium unit owners. Developers or the purchaser of the units are generally draft the rules and regulation of condominium in by-law of condominium. Normally, by-law will establish the electing officers or board members procedures of the condominium association, inform the member when the meeting is being held, and also responsible for the building maintenance and insurance in common areas. Some of the restrictions may impose to restrict unit holders to do something against the rule and regulation or penalties for not compliance to the rules (Answer Corporation, 2009). Rules and Regulation; Rules and regulations are required by managing the condominium as the by-law gives the rules for living together with harmonies. These rules and regulations will determine and enforce by the board of Director. Some of the rules and regulations are stated as below: Homeowners Dues. The monthly homeowners due must be paid according to the period that has been determined. Condominium may take some action towards homeowners who are refused to pay it. Common Elements. The homeowner or residents are not allowed to making loud noise which will disturb other residents within the period that has been determined. The balconies must be neat and clean in appearance. No any blocking items or store room are allowed to be place at common area. Parking. Vehicles have to be parked in the designated parking spaces. Vehicles are not allowed to park their vehicle at the prohibited area such as in front of garage. Pets. Some of the condominium may allow the residents to have their pets. Some condominium will not. If allowed, it must consistent with the responsibilities associated with living in a condominium. The Unit: Unit is the description which usually contained in the declaration of condominium. The most important element is boundary described, because homeowners are responsible to maintain, manage, insure and decorate their own unit. Each unit owner shall be entitled to exclusive possession of his apartment, subject to the provisions of the condominium documents (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Common Areas: The documents refer to common area shared by condominium owners as that part of the projects exclusive of all private units. The ownership of each condominium unit includes an undivided interest in, as well as rights and title to these common areas (Holeman, J. R., 1980). The common areas are divided into two: general common interest and limited common elements. Generally, common areas include the land, main walls, foundations, roofs, hallways, elevators, swimming pools and other recreational areas and parking lots. Detached carports and garages are sometimes owned by the association and assigned to individual unit owners, and sometimes they are owned with the unit (King, B., 2003). Limited common elements are a physical part of the common areas, but are for the exclusive use of a particular unit owner or group of owners. Limited areas usually refer to parking spaces, patio space, Storage space, and entrances ways (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Neighbourhood Link (2009:1) explained. Limited common elements could also be any air conditioning or heating units, chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column and other fixture, whether located within or outside of the boundaries of a unit, which serve only that unit or are allocated solely to that unit. Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, decks, balconies, entryways, patios, exterior doors and windows, other fixtures designed to serve a single unit, but located outside the Units boundaries are limited common elements allocated exclusively to that unit. Strata Title Act (1985): The interest of unit holders and developers are subjected in sub-division of building for subsidiary titles (Strata Titles). This legally abided title has contributed a more effective implementation when some of the disputes are arise (Kok, S. T., 1979). The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department (2009:1) explained that strata Title was first introduced in 1966 by the Malaysian National Land Code 1965, to better cope with the legal ownership of multi-storey buildings. Previously, it was known as subsidiary titles by reference to the buildings erected on alienated land. By 2007 strata title legislative amendment, the strata titles concept was extended to be applied for land parcels created on alienated land. Definition: Strata title is a form of ownership for multi-storey buildings or blocks or multi layer of land on a piece of alienated land. The Strata part term refers to subdivided units being on different levels (The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department, 2009). Management Corporation is formed under Strata Title Schemes where combination the individual parcels and common property with a self-governance of Strata Corporation. The individual parcel is indicating condominium, apartment, town house, and each of the individual units will be hold a different title. Management Corporation is formed automatically when the strata title is registered by opening of a Book of Strata Register (The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department, 2009). The Management Corporation has to elect a council who responsible to perform the MCs duties and powers and carry out the MCs business. The council is consisting of not less than three and not more than fourteen proprietors of multi-storey building. Under section 41 of Strata Title Act 1985, the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be conducted within one month after expiration of the initial period. Initial Period is the period commence from the day of the MC is formed and the end on the day on which there are at least one- quarter of aggregate share units, not including the proprietor of the lot who known as original proprietor of Master Title (Tan, R., 2007). By-Laws: By-laws under the Third Schedule of Strata Titles Act, 1985 are applicable to all subdivided buildings. Additional by-laws and continuous amendment can be made by management corporation so that by-laws does not contracting with the Third Schedule of the Strata Titles Act, 1985. All owners in Management Corporation must comply the additional by-laws as long as the law is applicable. And the additional by-law shall be publishing in the public for their awareness. Records of all such by-laws must be properly kept by Management Corporation for inspection (National House Buyers Association, 2009). Requirement of Subdivision of Building: Homeowner will be given a separate title which is sub-divided any building into each individual title of the proprietor of the land with approval of The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department. Any building which intends to sub-divide to an individual title has to be subject to some of the conditions as follow: The land is only held as one lot under registry title. Building must have 2 or more storeys above the ground level, with an area at least 5,000 square feet. The building must approved and certified by a Licensed Surveyor. The boundary of the lot with will be examined carefully by him. The sub-division does not contravene any restriction in interest in the land or any requirement that has been gazetted in title. The building has to be constructed in accordance with the plan submitted where the planning permission was required by for the building and it should certified by Architect(register under the Architect Ordinance 1951). here is no item of land revenue is outstanding in the respected land. Formation of Management Corporation: MC is the medium through which the proprietors control and manage the strata scheme pursuant to the Strata Titles Act 1985 and the Rules made there under. If it is a subdivided building or multi-storey building, it is automatically register under strata title. The MC is known by the name appearing in the book of the strata register relating to the subdivided building (National House Buyers Association, 2009). It is a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal. It is not necessary to register it under the Societies Act 1966 or any other law. In the case of a subdivided low-cost building, however, the MC does not come into existence automatically with the opening of the strata register. Under section 64 of the Strata Titles Act 1985, the MC comes into existence upon the completion of the transfer of strata title in respect of all the parcels by the original proprietor. On the other hand, the proprietors, other than the original proprietor, having share units totalling more than half of the aggregate share units of all the parcels may apply o the Director of Lands and Mines for an order to establish the management corporation as provided for under section 64A. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Management Corporation: Normally, the duties, powers and responsibilities of MC are under section 43 of the Strata Title Act, 1985. National House Buyers Association (2009) stated that the MC should exercise their duties, powers and responsibility according as below: To collect the contributions from parcel proprietors. To purchase the movable property for the use as common property. To secure the repayment and the payment interest. To do all things necessary for the performance of its duties. To manage and maintain the common property. To insure and keep insured the subdivided building against fire and other risks. To pay insurance premiums, quit rent and other rates. To comply with any notices or orders given by an public authorities to execute any works in respect of the reasonable time. To prepare and maintain a strata roll for the subdivided building. To be the custodian of the issue of the document of title of the relevant land. Tot purchase additional land, grant or accept an easement. To provide an appropriate receptacle for postal deliveries. Financial Management: Management Corporation has to establish a management fund in order to manage and maintain, control the common properties, paying taxes, rates and insurance. Some acquisition and investment activities may also allowed for MC to proceed. MC will decide the amount of homeowner to levy the contribution according to their respective share unit and the interest rate whoever homeowner is in respect of late payment of contribution for maintain the management find accounts. A portion of money from the management fund account are distributed for painting the building, purchasing movable property for the purpose of common property, replacement of fixture and fitting in common property and others expenditure for maintenance. Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663): Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663) was first came to enforce on 12 April 2007. It is an Act to provide for the proper maintenance and, management of buildings and common property, and for matters incidental thereto (Lee, S. S., 2007). There are some problems during the duration after vacant possession is delivered by developer to purchaser and before the establishment of the Management Corporation. Hence, this present law is to cover what is inadequate in addressing the problems during that period. The developer is responsible for the maintenance and management of the common property before the formation of the Management Corporation (Lee, S. S., 2007). The maintenance and management of building and common property under the Building and Common Property Act 2007 covers all types of building that will be or have been subdivided and issued with strata titles namely residential buildings such as condominiums flats, apartments and gated community developments, commercial buildings such as office blocks, shopping complexes, service apartments, mixed developments and industrial buildings. In respect of building with strata titles, it includes all parcels, accessory parcels and common property (Maidin, A. J., 2007). According to the section 4 of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663), a Joint Management Body is formed which comprise the developer and purchasers to administer the maintenance and management of the building during the initial period before the Management Corporation fully takes control of the common property of the development from the developer (Soong, D., 2007). Joint Management Body: The first meeting of the Body has to be convoked by developers no later than 12 months from the commencement of the act for the building concerned was completed before the commencement of the Act. In cases where the building is completed on or after the commencement of the Act, the meeting must be held no later than 12 months from the delivery of vacant possession to the purchasers. Unlike the Management Corporation, the developers duty to convene the first meeting of the Body is effectively tied to the delivery of vacant possession to the purchasers and not effected by how long it takes the developer to apply for and procure the opening of the strata register for the development or whether the developer has sold and transferred 25% of the development to purchasers (Soong, D., 2007). Formation of Joint Management Body: Before the JMB is established, the developer has responsibility to carry out the maintenance works and to ensure the building is free others risks. Developer has the duty to have a first meeting with all the purchasers within specified period. If developer fails to do so, the developer will be fined not more than RM25, 000 or imprisonment in a period not more than three months or both. Duties of Joint Management Body Joint Management Body is a body corporate, hence there are boned to be sued if anything found in default. The duties of the JMB are, among others, to: Maintain the common property and keep it in good serviceable repair. Fix and impose charges for the maintenance works. Insure the building and apply insurance moneys received for rebuilding and reinstatement. Prepare and maintain a register of all purchasers. Ensure that the Building Maintenance Fund (BMF) is audited and provide financial statements to purchasers. Enforce house rules (Wong, A. F. H., 2009). Powers of Joint Management Body: Joint Management Bodys powers under Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663) are almost the same with those of the Management Corporation under Strata Titles Act. The Body is essentially a form of Pre-management Corporation (Soong, D., 2007). In essence, the Body is required to perform all acts required for the proper maintenance and management of the building, such as maintaining audited accounts and enforcing house rules for the proper maintenance and management of the building. The JMB is empowered to: i. Collect maintenance charges from purchasers. ii. Authorise expenditure for carrying out the maintenance works. iii. Recover monies due from purchasers. iv. Acquire property for use by purchasers in connection with the common property. v. Secure the services of a person to undertake the maintenance works. vi. Make house rules (Wong, A. F. H., 2009). Building Maintenance Account: Financial statements which include the maintenance and management of the development are specified by the Act has to be maintained by developer and the Body before the account is being passed to the Management Corporation. Ensuring funds to be audited which held for the maintenance of the development and provide the audited financial statements for the information to purchasers is part of the duty of the Body (Soong, D., 2007). In each development, developer is required to open a Building Maintenance Account before vacant possession is delivering to homeowner. Other than that, developer also required to deposit all the money received for the purpose of Building Maintenance Account which the money does not go directly to developer. Building Maintenance Account must to be audited by a public and professional auditor, and the auditors report must be attach and report to Commissioner within 14 days. Commissioner has the power to engage their own auditor to investigate the entire document related, such as account of the developers company. Under Part IV Section 16, before delivery of vacant possession, the developer of a strata development must open a Building Maintenance Account (BMA) in the name of the strata development for each development. This applies to all newly completed strata development where the vacant possession has not been delivered to the purchasers as of 12th April, 2007. For developments where vacant possession has been given but the management corpora

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Evolution of the Internet :: essays research papers

The Evolution of the Internet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So you believe Al Gore created the Internet? Well that’s not possible, because I did. Yes, it’s true, a few years ago I was sitting in my basement with nothing to do and suddenly the idea came to me: why not create an inter-connected network of networks that will allow users to send mail instantly, download copyrighted songs, and order pizza, all from the comfort of their own living room? OK, so maybe I didn’t exactly invent the Internet, but neither did Al Gore.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So who was the genius behind the information superhighway, you ask? Well let’s take a step back to the sixties, a decade when Cold War tension caused nationwide fear of nuclear warfare. Early in the decade, two groups of researchers, privately owned RAND Corporation (America’s leading nuclear war think-tank) and federal agency ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), grappled with a bizarre strategic mystery: in the event of nuclear war, how could political and military officials communicate successfully? It was obvious that a network, linking cities and military bases, would be necessary. But the advent of the atomic bomb made switches, wiring, and command posts for this network highly vulnerable. A â€Å"nuclear-safe† network would need to operate with missing links and without central authority. In 1964, RAND Corporation’s Paul Barran made public his solution to the problem. Essentially, the concept was simple. Barran’s network would be assumed to be unreliable at all times. Information would be broken into many small pieces called â€Å"packets† and then sent to various points, or nodes, in the network until they reached their destination. ARPA embraced Barran’s idea for three reasons. First, if nuclear bombs blew away large components of the network, data would still reach its destination. Second, it would be relatively secure from espionage, since spies tapping into parts of the network would be able to intercept only portions of transmissions. Lastly, it would be much more efficient because files and transmissions couldn’t clog portions of the network. Only five years after Barran proposed his version of a computer network, ARPANET went online. Named after its federal sponsor, ARPANET initially linked four high-speed supercomputers and was intended to allow scientists and researchers to share computing facilities by long-distance. By 1971, ARPANET had grown to fifteen nodes, and by 1972, thirty-seven. ARPA’s original standard for communication was known as â€Å"Network Control Protocol† or NCP. As time passed, however, NCP grew obsolete and was replaced by a new, higher-level standard known as TCP-IP, which is still in use today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hugh ONeill as the Tragic Hero of Making History :: essays research papers

In Making History Hugh O'Neill was a well-liked character who also proved himself not only a good man, but intelligent and sensible. He inspires a large amount of sympathy in the audience. O?Neill had been fighting, backed by the Irish population, for Spain's support to rid themselves of the English for many years. When the Spanish finally agreed to help and announced they will land at Kinsale, a large distance from them, O?Neill at once spots the difficulties, ?Kinsale is out of the question. If the insist on landing in the south?tell them to cancel the expedition.? Only Harry understood the complications, ?We?d have to march an army through the full length of the country to join forces with them.? He now faced a huge dilemma, this support has been long awaited and should he turn it down, not only would he resign himself and his people to a life with which they are unhappy, but he would also face an uproar. He had the difficulties of a politician with much to lose and, after a lifetime of sitting on the fence with many contrasting alliances, he made a decision, which may well end in disaster, but possibly with much worse consequences for him than his people. We see many of them turn and support the English after the Battle of Kinsale fails, when O?Neill asks who, O?Donnell replies, they?re c rawling in on their hands and knees and offering hostages and money and whatnot.? This is something that O?Neill cannot really do (despite his letter to the Queen). However he did not die for his cause, like many of his people and you could say his wife. Instead he fled to Rome, which was something they couldn?t do and therefore deserted those left still fighting. He made the decision to start this battle and some would believe he did not suffer the most from it. O?Neill however did lose everything: from his lifestyle and title to his happiness and most of his friends, indeed also his wife. There is little he had left except his life, and by the end we can easily believe he would be happier without that, and from his drinking it may not be all that far off. Lombard?s history does indeed set O?Neill up as a tragic hero and as this history itself is central to the play, we are likely to see it that way too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Beauty Industry in China :: essays research papers

Within 21 years, from 1983 to 2004, the sales volume of China's beauty businesses has increased 260 times, according to the country's first annual report on the beauty sector, recently released by Chinese economists. While the traditional beauty sector in China refers mainly to such services as hairdressing, massage and face-lifts by medical means, the modern beauty sector expands to cover the areas of beauty-related education and marketing, the production and research of cosmetics and related instruments, and even includes ornaments, packaging materials as well personal image consultation. With a 15 per cent annual growth, the beauty sector is turning into another huge money-maker after the boom in the real estate, auto, electronics and tourism sectors. Moreover, the revenue of the sector is expected to reach 176.2 billion yuan (US$21.3 billion) this year and double in the next five years. From the perspective of cosmetics, a similar track is visible: The annual average spending of Chinese on cosmetics, in the early 1980s, was about one yuan (12 US cents), the figure rose to five yuan (60 US cents) in the early 1990s, and 25 yuan (US$3) at the end of 2000. In big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the annual average spending on cosmetics has reached 80-100 yuan (US$9.6-12), although still much lower than the figures for many developed countries, roughly US$35-70. China is currently home to 1.54 million beauty parlors and nearly 3,800 cosmetic companies, and almost 8 million people are actually working in beauty-related businesses, plus another 4 million whose jobs are connected to the sector. A survey of five major cities in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan, shows that the most popular beauty items include SPAs, stone massages, Yoga, foot massages and nail treatments. Despite the huge advances witnessed over the past two decades, "huge gaps still exist between China's beauty sector and its counterparts in developed countries," said the vice-president of the Beauty and Cosmetics Association of Central China's Henan Province. "Compared with overseas beauty and cosmetics rivals, the domestic companies lack competitive advantages and are markedly overshadowed in such aspects as management, talent and brands," he said. Statistics from the annual report show only 11.72 per cent of the practitioners have a two-year college or higher educational background, while the practitioners who have a junior middle-school or an even lower education, and those who have a senior middle-school or secondary technical school education account for 38 per cent and 50.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Bureaucracy and Democracy

Bureaucracy and Democracy Assuming that the court's interpretation of the law was accurate, do you believe that the state's power to regulate in these matters should outweigh the federal government's right to do so? What, if anything, should be done? No I do not think the state's power to regulate in these matters should outweigh the federal government. Independent Agencies help execute policy or provide special services.Independent Agencies also exist outside of the departments of the executive branch and have three separate branches: Executive – President of the United States, esponsible for administering and enforcing the laws of government Legislative – Congress responsible for the creation of law Judicial – Supreme Court responsible for administering Justice, resolving disputes, and interpreting the law.This system establishes a strong central government, while insuring a balance of power. Agencies can be characterized as being either executive agencies or i ndependent agencies. How do they differ and, from your standpoint, which is preferable in terms of maintaining agency focus and controlling the actions of the agency? Independent agencies are those that exist outside of the departments of the executive branch, executive agencies are not

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Employee Satisfaction

DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT EMBA, 2ND BATCH, 4TH SEMESTER ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, KUSHTIA BANGLADESH A RESEARCH PROPOSAL BY: |(Monirul islam) |(Howlader Md. Abu Saleh Jongi) |(Jahangir Alam) | |ID No. 1102050711 |ID No. 1102050713 |ID No. 102050722 | |EMBA, 2nd Batch |EMBA, 2nd Batch |EMBA, 2nd Batch | |4th Semester |4th Semester |4th Semester | |email:[email  protected] com |email:[email  protected] com |email:[email  protected] com | |Cell No. 1818306151 |Cell No. 01711210710 |Cell No. 01550151433 | (Saiful islam) ID No. 1102050704 EMBA, 2nd Batch 4th Semester email:[email  protected] com Cell No. 01550151433 SUPERVISOR: Prof. Dr. Md. Zakaria Rahman Chairman, Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia – 7003, Bangladesh. Cell Phone:01711501307 Telephone+88-071-62021-6 Extn. 2278,2296,2481 (Off. ) E-mail: [email  protected] com Web:www. iubd. net :Declaration:: We declare that the proposal we are submitting for assessment contains no section copied in whole or i n part from any other source unless explicitly identified in quotation marks and with detailed, complete and accurate referencing. |(Monirul islam) |(Howlader Md. Abu Saleh Jongi) |(Jahangir Alam) | |ID No. 1102050711 |ID No. 1102050713 |ID No. 102050722 | |EMBA, 2nd Batch |EMBA, 2nd Batch |EMBA, 2nd Batch | |4th Semester |4th Semester |4th Semester | |email:[email  protected] com |email:[email  protected] com |email:[email  protected] com | |Cell No. 01818306151 |Cell No. 01711210710 |Cell No. 1550151433 | (Saiful islam) ID No. 1102050704 EMBA, 2nd Batch 4th Semester email:[email  protected] com Cell No. 01550151433 i ::Contents:: |1 |INRODUCTION |Page 1 | | |1. 1 The Problem Statement |1 | | |1. 2 purpose of the study |1 | | |1. The objectives of the study |1 | | |1. 4 Research questions |2 | | |1. 5 Scope of the Research |2 | |2 |THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY |2 | | |2. Research Design |2 | | |2. 2 Data Source |2 | | |2. 3 Data Collection Techniques |2 | | |2. 4 Sample Tec hniques |3 | | |2. Data Analysis and Interpretation |3 | |3 |WORK PLAN |3 | |4 |REFERENCES |3 | ii TITLE: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEMS OF HANDLOOM INDUSTRY AT KUMARKHALI, KUSHTIA iii 1.INTRODUCTION: The Handloom industry is the ancient and the most important cottage industry of Bangladesh. This industry has lots of glorious past. Once upon a time, The Handloom industries were the only source of human clothing. Still now, this sector meets a portion of the total clothes production of Bangladesh. This sector provides employment many people still now. But this industry now faces threat of extinction because of various barriers which made us to develop this study over the handloom industry of Kumarkhali, Kushtia, Bangladesh. 1. The Problem Statement: What are the problems of Handloom Industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia and what could be the possible solution of the problems of such industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia. 1. 2The purpose of the Research: The main purpose of this research is to meet the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration Degree on Management, Islamic University Kushtia, Bangladesh and investigate the real problems of the handloom industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia in order to find out the possible solution of the problem depending on the factors that would be investigated.This study may be an important tool for further study on the problems of the handloom industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia. 1. 3The objectives of the study: ( To identify the problems lie in the production process. ( To identify the problems in distribution of handloom products. ( To identify the problems associated with level skill. ( To identify the problems associated with government support. ( To identify the problems associated with the organizing Capability ( To identify the level of demand of these products in market. To identify the immediate competitors of this sector. ( To identify the potential market. Page:1 1. 4The research questions: ( What are the problems lie in the production process? ( What are the problems in distribution of handloom products? ( What are the problems associated with level skill? ( What are the problems associated with government support? ( What are the problems associated with the organizing Capability? ( How much demand of these products in market? ( Who are the immediate competitors of this sector? ( Where the potential market of handloom products? 1. Scope of the Research: This research will try to answer the problem statement as stated. This research location will be Tebaria, Sherkandi Alongipara Gopalpur under Kumarkhali Upazilla, Kushtia, Bangladesh. We will try to nail down the topic as much as possible. The ability of physical presence in the stated locations will provide the in-depth scope of the research. 2. THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY: 2. 1Research design: Quantitative research method will be basic research design. For this, on spot survey will be carried out. The handloom weavers will be the main responde nt of the research. 2. Data sources: Both of the Primary data and secondary data will be the data source of the research. The people of the selected locations who are directly involved in handloom weaving will be the source of primary data. Opinion of the local government representatives will be taken into account as secondary data source. 2. 3Data collection techniques: Various techniques will be used to collect the data. For this oral interview of the respondent will be taken. A prescribed questionnaire (having structured and open questions) will be supplied to the each respondent to answer the specific questions. 2. Sampling techniques: All the families involved in handloom weaving in the selected locations will be population of the research. Each will be treated as a sample. Maximum possible families will be taken as sample on random basis. Each elements of each sample will be interviewed and prescribed questionnaire will be supplied to them in order to answer the questions. 2. 5Data analysis and interpretation: The gathered data through interview and questionnaire will be analyzed and interpreted using suitable statistical tools such as tables, chart, percentage, probability, correlation etc. 3. WORK PLAN | | |STEPS IN THE RESEARCH PLAN |DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION | | | | |Submission of the proposal |By 31 August 2012 | | | | |Design of a research plan |By 10 September 2012 | | | | |Design of questionnaire |By 15 September 2012 | | | | |Interviews/posting of questionnaires, etc. By 16 – 30 September 2012 | | | | |Raw tabulations/draft analysis of data |By 01-07 October 2012 | | | | |Final Analysis of data |By 08-15 October 2012 | | | | |Report up of findings By 16-20 October 2012 | | | | |Final Report |By 21-31 October 2012 | | | | |Presentation |As per Schedule date of University | ** Work plan may be changed depending on situation or as per requirements of Supervisor. References: 1. Business Research Methods, 8th edition, Zikmund Babin Carr Griffin 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Social-research 3. http://www. banglapedia. org/httpdocs/HT/K_0319. HTM 4. http://www. kumarkhali. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=41%3Aabout-kumarkhali-powroshova-&catid=32%3Akumarkhali&Itemid=52 5. http://www. thedailystar. net/lifestyle/2005/07/01/centre. htm ———————– Page:2 Page:3

Research paper on dollar vs rupee

This paper is conceptual study based on Indian Rupee Fluctuation VS. Dollar ND relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. It provides valuable insights into impact of changes in currency relations on various sectors of economy keeping in focus economy in general and Indian economy in particular. Pros and Cons of currency appreciation and depreciation are studied as boon and bane for the economic growth. Keywords: Appreciation, Rupee Fluctuation, Depreciation, Rupee-Dollar.Induction The rupee has depreciated by more than 18 percent since May 2011, moreover with The rupee breaching the 53 dollar mark, profit margins of nannies that import commodities or components would come under severe pressure, which could result in price increases for the consumer. The rupee depreciation will particularly hit the industrial sector and put higher pressure on their costs as items like oil, imported coal, metals and miner als, imported industrial intermediate products all are getting affected.Although the prices of most of the imported commodities have fallen, the depreciating rupee has meant that the importer gets no respite as they need to pay more to purchase the same quantity of raw materials. The depreciating rupee loud keep the price of imported commodities elevated. Thus the industrial sector is bound to get adversely hit the appreciating rupee is posing a unique set of challenges for the Indian economy. The impact would not be limited to macro economy alone but it will also affect down to the level of firms under various sections of economy.This is conceptual study based on Rupee Dollar relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. OBJECTIVES This is conceptual study based on Rupee Dollar relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. It pr ovides valuable insights into impact of changes in currency relations on various sectors of economy keeping in focus economy in general and Indian economy in particular.Pros and Cons of currency appreciation and depreciation are studied as boon and bane for the economic growth. It also provides suggestions or steps needed to control as well as to overcome leftists of excessive fluctuations between rupee and dollar keeping in view current trends. Related Literature Ever since the advent of the ARCH model by Engle (1982), research on the remission mechanism of volatility between various segments of the financial market has been fast advancing. The application of ARCH and its generalized form, I. E. GARTH has advanced rapidly in examining volatility transmission among stock markets. Studies on volatility transmission based on low-frequency foreign exchange data are, however, relatively sparse. The initial application of GARTH model to the foreign exchange market could be traced back to the works of Dibbled and Nerves (1989). They employed a vector autoregressive (VARY) model as a basis for the variance decomposition f forecast error variances in order to measure the magnitude of return and volatility spillovers in the foreign exchange market.