Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gay Marriage: Social Calamity or Long Overdue? Essay

Abstract There is growing attention to the issue of marriage equality for gay people in this country. As of the writing of this paper, 16 of the 50 states in the United States of America have legalized gay marriage, either by legislation or by popular vote (Wisniewski, 2013). The discourse regarding the issue becomes quite contentious largely because of non-secular ideology that has demonized the concept of homosexuality for many years. As a sociological issue, the conflict has become a divisive force for many, from political powers as far down to the family level. The constitution guarantees equal rights for all in this country; freedom of religion, speech, etc. yet appears to stall when equal rights for the gay community are involved. There has been significantly more popular support for the cause recently, but the stigma and prejudice continue to linger. Is this a moral debate or has an outdated ideology become so embraced by many that the battle has only just begun? Are Rights Really Equal? When asked if one believes in equal rights for all citizens, the typical, rote response is a resounding â€Å"Yes†. If the question becomes more specific as to include the right for homosexuals to marry, a hesitation follows. The concept of gay marriage is far deeper a societal problem for most because its roots lie in prejudicial perspectives that have permeated us for years. Before the fight for the right to marry, the gay community has long endured simply the right to exist openly without feeling pariah-like. The United States is not a theocracy, of this we are certain. However, there are many more religiously affiliated citizens than not. The First Amendment gives us freedom of religion, which should also include freedom from religion. The truth of the matter meets somewhere in between the two, especially when US currency bears â€Å"In God We Trust† boldly on its face. There are political leaders who continue to evoke the name of God in their speeches, even though  the fact is that our founding fathers were mostly non-theists and the motto on our money did not initiate until 1958 or so. But people continue to view homosexuality as a â€Å"sin†, therefore gay marriage is not an option. This issue has created a divide in this country, much like most other civil rights have. When slavery was abolished, it took years to establish anti-segregation laws. Civil change takes time, historically, and gay marriage is no different. Protests continue either in support of or against gay marriage, at times becoming violent. Families become divided when a member openly announces his or her orientation and disapproval prevails, sometimes resulting in families disowning or ostracizing that offender from the family. Government has been forced to become involved, due to an outcry for the various rights that are bestowed upon a married member of this society. Rights to inheritance and to personal medical information and decision making are two examples of spousal rights. Monogamous homosexual couples are denied these rights, since without marriage, the rights fall to their closest relative. Functional Sociology and Gay Marriage Society has long viewed traditional marriage a fundamental and necessary building block. Marriage is the institution by which our population is regenerated and offspring are socialized then integrated as functioning members. Functional theorists might argue that if the paradigm is changed to include same sex couples, social decay may follow, as the family unit is unable to function if not in the traditional way. Single parent households have been faulted with producing children that score lower in school than those from the traditional, two parent family, as well as have higher rates of unacceptable social behavior, such as drug abuse or teenage pregnancy. Functionalists believe children benefit from each gender parent in a different way, therefore require both to be whole. (Tischler, 2011) Conflict Theory and Gay Marriage Conflict theory maintains that society functions when a more powerful or accepted sector exerts its will and exceeds at the expense of less powerful or accepted portions. (Tischler, 2011). Since homosexuality has been regarded taboo by the majority for so long, heterosexuals have maintained their position of acceptance and normalcy in the US. Vocational positions,  especially powerful ones such as political leaders, have historically been heterosexual. We have a â€Å"President† and a â€Å"First Lady†; expected heterosexuality. For the stigma to be removed, traditionally expected and understood ways of life would drastically change. Would traditional, heterosexual marriage decay in the process? The Future of Marriage Regardless of sociological theory, religious belief, and cultural expectation, the movement towards acceptance of gay marriage is gaining momentum and losing the attached stigma. Gay marriage is legal in 16 states (Wisniewski, 2013), and gay couples right to adoption has increased. Heterosexual divorce rates remain hovering at a 50% mark, and have been for many years prior to homosexual marriage. Society is resilient, proving itself over years of change. The ideal aspiration would be for both homosexual and heterosexual married couples to simply co-exist; neither having any real influence over the others’ success or demise. References Tischler, H.L. (2011) â€Å"Introduction to Sociology†. Retrieved from Wisniewski, M (2013) Update 1-Illinois Governor Signs Same-Sex Marriage Into Law. Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Final Descriptive Writing

Anton Meriwether When you are trying to write a descriptive piece then it is best to describe everything in a very visual way to that would make the reader use it's five senses. Using the five senses in a descriptive writing really elevates your piece and makes it stand out. I'm from a small city in northern Indiana where not many people visit even actually hardly at all. The city is off the coast of Lake Michigan which creates a slight cold breeze in middle of December and all of January. The city is called Michigan City, Indiana.Have you ever heard of The Blue Chip Casino? Of course you have I mean who haven't. The Blue Chip Casino is like a boat casino and it is also the tallest building in the whole city. The Casino sits at one end Of Michigan Blvd which is one of the main roads in the city and also one of the longest. Another thing about the city is a place called The Dunes. The Dunes is a big sand hill that depending on the weather will burn your feet. The Dunes is a great plac e to go if you're looking to have some fun walking n sand and also going to the beach.Hearing the beach at night just calms you down no matter what is going on because, hearing the breeze flow over the lake creates a sound that can't be mimicked by technology which is very rare nowadays. Michigan City is a good place to visit but of course every city has its down falls I mean Atlanta is too big like huge for no reason at all, no seriously, really dumb big and parking is expensive and can't even drive yet and I'm saying, it's just ridiculous, but back to the task at hand. One problem aboutMichigan City is the weather, if you are not used to cold weather or don't like it then it's not your place because it gets freezing, iceman, Antarctica, I'm staying inside the house cold. That is a descriptive writing that includes all five senses. When you use all the senses then you are truly writing a descriptive writing, because how can you describe something without using the senses, I mean, y ou not even describing anything all you are doing is just talking about it and that won't get my attention. I hope this helps you become a better descriptive writer.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nacl on Peroxidase Activity

NaCl Effects on Peroxidase Activity My experiment was to see if adding NaCl to solution would have any effects on peroxidase activity. The materials that were used in this experiment were pH 7 buffer(DI water), peroxidase, NaCl, guaiacol and hydrogen peroxide; added in that order. Blanks were created for each NaCl concentration, 0%, 5%, 7. 5% and 10%. Each cuvette had . 5ml of pH 7 buffer, 1ml of peroxidase, . 02ml guaiacol for the experimental cuvettes and 0ml of guaiacol for the blank cuvettes, . 2ml of hydrogen peroxide and . ml of different concentrated NaCl in each cuvette. When it came to recording data for my experiment, I placed the cuvette in the spectrometer, which was set to 500nm, after adding the guaiacol and hydrogen peroxide right before. I recorded the absorbance every 15 seconds for 3 minutes. I ran the experiment twice for precision and got the average of the two tests. I then entered the data into JMP and made two graphs; one to see the relationship between the con centration of NaCl and activity and the other to see how salt affect enzyme activity.The first graph only required the time and the mean absorbance. To make the second graph, I had to find Time X, the time where reaction starts to slow down, which in my case was 90 seconds. The axes for the graph were Time X as the y-axis and NaCl concentrations as the x-axis. The graphs showed me that there is a relationship between NaCl concentrations and peroxidase activity. More the concentration of NaCl, the faster the reaction occurs.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Relationship Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Relationship Analysis - Essay Example When Harry Met Sally When Harry Met Sally is a film directed by Rob Reiner in 1989, and was written by Nora Ephron. It is listed as one of the top American comedy films of all time and is also considered one of the most romantic movies of all time. Ephron gained an Oscar nomination for this movie. The film also gained a lot of Golden Glove nominations, primarily with Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress. The film follows the story of two people, Harry Burns and Sally Albright. The story is set within a twelve year span, starting in 1977 to 1989, from Chicago to New York. The movie chronicles their relationship: from the point that they do not like each other to the point that they got married. They first met in Chicago, where Harry hitched a ride with Sally on the way to New York. It should be noted that Harry’s girlfriend is Sally’s friend and that’s how they knew each other. They did not go along with each other because of their different opinions regarding relationships between men and women. The film’s theme about relationships is revealed here: Men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way (Harry) and Women and men can be friends (Sally). They part ways as soon as they reached New York. The relationship is not romantic, not even friendly. Five years after that encounter, they saw each other at an airport and even share the same plane. Both are in romantic relationships: Sally was with Harry’s friend and Harry is engaged to a woman named Helen. This surprises Sally. Harry suggests that they become friends but further elaborates on this previous rule (but with an exception now because they are both in respective romantic relationships), making Sally reject his â€Å"friendly offer†. After five years, they meet again in a New York bookstore. Harry is now divorced and Sally is now single after breaking up with Harry’s friend, Joe. They have coffee togeth er and they have talked about their previous relationships. At this point, they decided to become friends. They spend more time with each other (platonically), have dinners together, have late night phone calls and have dates with other people. Their dating experiences with other people continue to show each other’s differing beliefs on dating. One New Year’s Party, Harry and Sally danced, and they found themselves getting attracted to each other. They denied their feelings and they set each other up with their respective friends. By some twist of fate, their best friends hit it off and got engaged. One night, Sally calls Harry because her ex is getting married. Harry goes to Sally’s house and comforts her. They had sex unexpectedly, leading to awkwardness the next day. This leads to their friendship’s cooling off, until they have an argument at their best friends’ (the one they set up for each other) wedding, promptly severing their friendship. Ha rry then tries to patch things up with Sally, to no avail. Fast forward to another New Year’s Party with Sally and she felt alone because there was no Harry to be with her, unlike the last New Year’s Party. As she leaves the party, Harry appears and they make up their mistakes and realize that they do indeed love each other. They kiss. The last scene shows that they were being interviewed about their marriage.

Report from a show in TV channel (U.S.) such as Oparah, and make an Essay

Report from a show in TV channel (U.S.) such as Oparah, and make an introduction about the show and drop down all the commercials and count for the minutes - Essay Example A prize that began at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which steadily increases as the couples show how much they know each other. For examples, the wives we given ten changes, and for every change the husband noticed, a thousand dollars was added to the pot of money. By the end of each episode, one couple is voted off with the mandated tearful goodbye and the original seven couples continually dwindle until one will obtain a nest egg to kick-start their lives. For an hour-long reality show there were a total of seven commercials that lasted a total of sixteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds. The first commercial was from Sprint advertising their new Palm Centro, for two minutes and ten seconds, where a older gentleman discussed how life went to fast and there was no time for communication, while couples were shown in the background using the phone, smiling faces on all. Next was an advertisement from Epsilon discussing their groundbreaking printer, which is presented by a young couple who had just gone to an electronics store in search of a printer given theirs was not producing quality photographs while they were scrap booking.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Which documents and people had the most influence on US government Essay

Which documents and people had the most influence on US government - Essay Example The declaration in this charter may have informed the founders of the government about the liberties of individuals and ensured that the form of government created was not absolute or autocratic in its power, hence the checks and balances to the presidency. The Articles of Confederation were the agreements that directed the creation of a unification of the thirteen British colonies, these articles helped in the formation of a body that not only directed the revolutionary war against Britain, but also deal with the joint diplomatic affairs of these colonies. They formed the basis upon which closer union between the colonies was made which resulted in the writing of the Constitution, formally creating the United States of America. John Locke was one of the people whose viewpoint came to influence the government of the United States greatly. This was because of his belief in the equality of all men as well as the right of the public to have a say in the management of their government. In addition, he believed in the existence of God, but despite this, he felt that man had the right to determine his own destiny (Goldie, 2004). In conclusion, it can be said that the government of the United States had a lot of influence in its creation, especially from historical documents such as the Magna Carta. Furthermore, individuals who believed in democratic ideals, such as John Locke also left their imprint in the Constitution; such influence was immensely useful in placing the United States where it is in the present

Monday, August 26, 2019

Diversity Within Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Diversity Within Organizations - Essay Example So this paper is aimed at finding valid answers to many different questions about diversity in the work settings. Globalization is fostering a world of diversity, and this trend presents challenges as opportunities. It is better to be well informed in this area of knowledge in order to make the best decisions when dealing with workplace diversity. Managing diversity within organizations requires tremendous efforts since managing uniformity is relatively easier. There are many tangible benefits of managing diversity in a business world that requires it. More and more diversity is becoming more important due to the globalization process and the diversity in the marketplace of products and services that are aimed at a diverse audience. Hickman (n.d.) stresses that managing diversity is "more challenging, expensive, time consuming, demanding, stressful, and prone to fail". But it is a necessary task to tackle this challenge of managing workplace diversity. Even though uniformity is easier to manage, it has some important drawbacks as Hickman remarks: "an abundance of research and experience shows that organizations and work environments with high levels of required uniformity inevitably stifle creativity and innovation, retard initiative-taking, prevent widespread accountability for results, limit freedom to expand and create value, and weaken individual motivation, commitment and fulfillment." (Hickman, n.d.). On the other hand, a diverse organization can be much more creative and competitive when it is manager through a unified vision. According to Hickman, "Diversity must be carefully and constantly nurtured, because creating an organization is a lot like leveling ground. Both activities create new space where the initial staffing or first species will attempt to dominate and control diversity. The very act of establishing and staffing an organization begins a process of limiting diversity, unless diversity is genuinely valued and vigilantly nurtured." (Hickman, n.d.). So it is extremely important to nurture diversity in order to achieve the desired results of meeting the needs of a diverse marketplace, especially in the context of global markets. 2.- Importance of Workplace Diversity. Technological advances have permitted that many companies can have an international presence, and at the same time this means that new work environments are created with a diverse workforce in those nations. Human Resource departments shouldn't be biased according to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical abilities, or nationality. According to (n.d.) "The only apparatus of judgment should be educational background, work experience and expertise. Differences may prevail on an interpersonal level due to inequality in personalities, work styles, communication styles, and organizational skills." Diversity policies should be implemented in an effective and meaningful way in the work environments. An obvious importance of such policies it that it creates synergy among its employees. So creativity can be fostered in a more intelligent and efficacious manner. states that "The end result of such diversity is a working environment that is inclusive. It is important for the HR

Sunday, August 25, 2019

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - Essay Example More specifically, the report will answer the question, â€Å"What was the adjusted profit for the financial year ending 30th September 2010 and which were the actual adjustments made to the accounts to reach at that amount?† 1. In this case the problem lies in the fact that the financial assistant was not aware of the new changes where there was a review in 31st March 2010 giving the plant a useful life of 5 years. The depreciation rate that should be reflected in the financial statements and in the comptation of profits for the financial year should be based on the reviewed value. This is when IAS number 16 has been applied. The adjustments are going to be shown in the appendix number (1). A journal entry is to be used to correct this error by the Financial Assistant. 2. This was a case by the Assistant where he did not consider the review of the value of the building in 1st October 2009. This is from the original  £700,000 to  £1,200,000. The review was to affect the profits by being included as a profit or gain to the firm rather than opening a revaluation account and reflecting the same in the asset account (in this case the building). IAS 16 is also applicable in this case as it is the most appropriate. Adjustments necessary are shown in Appendix (2). 3. This is a case where the Investment property was shown under land and buildings. There was no clear cut line as to where it should have been included. Though, IAS 16 still applies in this case no action is going to be made in making a journal entry to rectify. This is since there are neither rates nor the depreciation rate applicable. Investment property shown in 30.09.2009:  £800,000 Adjustment: since the rate of depreciation is not given nor the useful years as well as how the assistant treated it during the current financial year, no adjustment is to be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Company under Different Market Structures Assignment

Company under Different Market Structures - Assignment Example There are no barriers to entry for other firms to enter into the market. In the short run, the firms can change only the variable factor namely labor. The other decisions are predetermined (KrÄ Ãƒ ­lkovà ¡, n.d., p. 3). In the long run, the firms have the potential to change their scale. In the short run when the existing price is less than the average cost curve it is better for the firm to close down. In a situation of monopoly single firm exists in the market. The firm sells a unique product and there are no close substitutes. The firm has the power to set the price i.e. the firm is the price maker. Barriers to entry exist in the market of monopoly. There are many buyers and sellers in the monopolistically competitive market. The products of the market can be differentiated. Monopolistic competition along with oligopoly constitutes the structure of imperfect competition. Firms that are imperfectly competitive offer many products. The products are offered at administered prices. The price changes are costly and slow. The prime prediction of the theory of monopolistic competition is that firms will produce at the level where marginal cost equals marginal revenue in the short run. However, in the long run, the firms will operate at zero profit levels and the demand curve will be tangential to the average total cost curve (Solow, 1999, p. 9). A form of market where the industry is dominated by a small number of sellers is called oligopoly. Each oligopolist is aware of the market conditions as few sellers are present in the market. The decision of one firm can influence or are influenced by other firms. The responses of the participants of the market are taken into account in the strategic planning process by the oligopolists (Friedman, 1983, p. 6). Competition in the oligopolistic market can give rise to different outcomes. An oligopoly can maximize its profits by producing at the level where marginal revenue equals marginal costs.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

History midterm essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History midterm - Essay Example However, scholars and official argued that for real strengthening to be realized in China, the country should develop basic western institution, including the western government organization and education. The reforms give rise to techniques and military technologies. On the other hand, another reform movement was initiated on 1898 after china was defeated in the Sino-Japanese war. Self-strengthening movement and Hundred Day’s Reforms have some common similarities and differences based on the objectives, achievements and targets. Both reforms advocated for introduction of western education to be introduced in China. Self-Strengthening Movement was more successful because they had foreign language schools, which led to turning foreign languages to Chinese. The reforms enabled Chinese to read and understand foreign languages and there was introduction of education missions, which included navigation and study shipbuilding. Approximately, 120 Chinese were sent abroad between 1872 to 1881. Although the Hundred Days Reforms emphasized on education, the conservative officials banned it. However, the reformers abolished the conservative officials and turned the content of the examination from classical knowledge of current affairs. Education gave a mixture of both Eastern and western studies. Just like the Self-Strengthening reforms, Hundred Days Reforms encourage members of the royalty to go abroad on learning trips. The old eight-legged essays were eliminated and students were to take classes on politics, current affairs and Chinese classical volumes. The self-Strengthening Movement was more successful in developing a relationship with the foreign powers. In this perspective, it led to the construction of the Zongli Yamen in Beijing with the objective of managing the affairs with powers. This reform was a tremendous step for China in embracing diplomatic relationship with

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Water resources Essay Example for Free

Water resources Essay 1) Describe the path a molecule of water might follow through the hydrologic cycle from the ocean Evaporation takes place and the water molecule is taken high up in the atmosphere, where temperatures are very low. Continued accumulation of the molecules of water saturates the air and hence rain clouds are formed though condensation process. Precipitation in the form of rainfall, snow then occurs. Where precipitation occurs depends on whether or not the clouds were transported to land by advection process, or remained in the ocean. The cycle is at this point complete and the process starts all over again. 2) to land and back again. In the case where the clouds containing the water molecules are transported to land from the ocean by air currents through a process called advection, condensation as well as precipitation occurs over land. Some of the water on reaching the ground evaporates to the atmosphere while some penetrate to the ground to form underground water. But the largest portion of the water goes back to the ocean in the form of surface run off through streams and rivers. 3) Describe the least one example of the environmental costs of water diversion from river to farms or cities. Water pollution: On diversion to farms, the water is mainly used for irrigation purposes. Yet in these farms chemical fertilizers and pesticides are widely applied. The overflow of water is then released back to the rivers, often without proper treatment, carrying with it elements of the chemical fertilizers as well as those of pesticides from the farms, thus polluting river water downstream as well as lakes, seas and oceans into which he rivers drain their water. 4) Explain the difference between point and non-point pollution. Which is harder to control? Why? Point pollution is pollution that originates from a single source. Non-point pollution originates from many points. Non point pollution is harder to control because the sources are many thus not easily identifiable. 1) How does tectonic plate movement create ocean basins, mid ocean ridges, and volcanoes? The movement of tectonic plates could be in the direction of each other or drifting apart. When the plate drifts apart, and it so happens that their boundary is in the ocean, the result is to open a gap in this boundary. This gap, depending on the extend of movement, could form an oceanic basin, a mid oceanic ridge, or even a volcano. 2) Describe some of the mining, processing, and drilling methods that can degrade water or air quality. Underground mining pollutes underground water. Most mineral processing methods consume a lot of water and use chemicals that pollutes water in rivers when released back to them. 3) What resources, aside from minerals themselves, can be saved by recycling? Water resources, Forests, 1) What are the major sources of global energy? Hydroelectricity, Wood fuel, oil, and electricity from nuclear-powered power stations. 2) What are proven-in-place reserves? These the amount of oil that has been estimated to exist in an oil ground/field. 3) What are biofuels, how could they contribute to sustainability? Biofuels are fuels that are extracted from products of plants. The sources of these fuels are renewable thus support sustainability. Reference Shortle, J, Gerrard, D. (2001). Environmental policies for agricultural pollution control. NY: CABI.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Big City Description- Stone Cold Essay Example for Free

Big City Description- Stone Cold Essay I knew I shouldn’t have done this, not like this, not today†¦ Not any day. I can’t turn back now, it’s too late for that, and in fact it was too late 3 hours ago, sitting on the plane†¦ I stare out of the window trying to look at the New York streets, but the shapes are a meaningless blur. There’s hardly any green, I notice every colour of the rainbow, but no green. It’s nothing like home –Snap out of it- I tell myself sternly. I look at the hole that I dug in the tired upholstery of the worn seat, â€Å"That’ll be 24 dollars, doll,† the cabbie says, his tone of voice clearly implying that this wasn’t the first time he was trying to get through to me but his face is a mask of nonchalance and amusement, it’s like he has two personalities that are fighting to show in one way or another Stiffly and without looking him in the eyes, I put a $50 bill in his hand and leave, not waiting for change. The pungent smell of car fumes was unbearable; so was the amount of people. To be quite honest, the whole city came as a huge surprise, the images in books lied, or maybe they hadn’t and I made it out to be more perfect than it actually was†¦ Most people were thankfully keeping to themselves, though some were openly staring; their icy glares like knives on my back. Others were something I’d call rather eccentric, one woman with a homeless sign looked up and smiled, a toothless genuine smile, I would have given her money, if not for her eyes; they looked like grey polished stones, dead eyes in a live body –Don’t look into anybody’s eyes- I remind myself. Another man laughed at a joke that only he seemed to hear. Right then I realized I had stayed in this street for far too long†¦ As I walk I look up into the bruised sky, it’s dotted with greyish clouds; I have the sudden urge to clear them away to see nothing but the flares of the celestial sun casting a dreamy haze upon the sky, announcing the arrival of twilight. I can’t hear crickets- I didn’t expect to, though I guess it would be nice to think I was back –You don’t even have a home- I think bitterly. I hadn’t realized I walked this far but I find myself face to face with the Empire State Building†¦ My mind starts to wonder what it would be like to step out one of the highest windows, just floating, flying at peace like a weightless bird. The last seconds of my life, stretched to minutes, but then would one feeling be worth hitting the ground in the end? It’s not like I would mind dying, not now, with no family or a place I could call home without thinking twice about it. –Stop it right now! My inner voice tells me†¦. –Happiness lays somewhere in your future- it carries on, but I don’t listen, I have made up my mind, and there was only one road I could take now. I Cyan Kaylock, had a mission†¦ I had to prove them wrong.

Gender Dimensions Of Punjabi Folklores

Gender Dimensions Of Punjabi Folklores The present study aimed to identify the gender images depicted in riddles posed by women and men of the rural areas. It was assumed that stereotypical images are depicted through riddles and gender images of riddles reveal a great deal about the societal attitudes toward gender and toward structuring the individuals identity and identification of the gender role. And by these riddles, gender roles has been analyzed in which women are seen as submissive, obedient and caregivers whereas the men are considered to be the breadwinners, prominent and strong. The study consisted of collection and documentation of riddles. The present study also intends to identify the contribution of women and men in the formulation of gender specific dimensions through riddles which articulated and reinforce the masculine and feminine images, prevalent in rural society of Punjab. Culture is the way of peoples life, which is consisting of both material as well as ideological components. Culture consist straight patterns of thought and behavior, including values, norm, belief, rules of political organization and economic activity etc. Culture isnt biological inheritance, it passed-on from one generation to the next by learning and oral transmition (Decorse Raymond, 1992). Every culture is different from other and has different cultural values. It is not a creation of single man but emerge through different people who lived there and share land and emotions (Maswan, 1977). Culture is mixture of norms, belief, and values, which are orally transmitted to one generation to another generation. Oral tradition is one of the oldest forms of art in any society that transmitted their values, belief and norms through communication. In world two third of it population are preferred to orally communicate (Kalim, 1978). Every culture has its own values and traditions, Pakistan as a culture contains multi-cultural values and traditions. It has lots of influence by their neighboring cultural areas like Central Asia, Iran, the Arab World and India. Pakistan has strong cultural and historical roots. Modern Pakistan was the land of Indus civilization which was mixture of Persian, Indo-Greek and Islamic cultures. Pakistan has been arranged by the Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Mongols and the British. Pakistani folklore contains elements of all of these cultures. In Pakistan first phase of folklore was collected and started by British rural (Report of SARRC Tourism of Pakistan, 2010). In Pakistan, because of different culture, the different languages are spoken. Each of the language spoken in Pakistan has unique quality of poems, songs, stories and proverbs which are associated with its cultural norms and values (Ultey, 1968). According to Agarwal, Punjab is a vast plain dotted with thousands of villages that are of great importance to be studied. Like other societies, the rural society of Punjab is a patriarchal society. Patriarchy is a phenomenon which is prevailing in most of the cultures in the world. It is a form of social organization that structures the dominance of men over women where social institutions construct gender differences in the society and women are considered as private or communal property and men as the natural heirs of all power (Agarwal, 1994). Quddus discussed in his research that, Punjabi is traditional language of Pakistan (Punjab) which is spoken since Middle age. The first written Punjabi sample was found in 13th century, which was short verse of Baba Farid Shakar Ganj. By the 16th century; Peeloo, a poet has notable contribution in Punjabi literature, who was also the writer of Mirza Sahiban. In Pakistan, mostly the folklores are prevailing in Punjab (Quddus, 1992). Folklore is a complex meaning of folk, which mean common people, and lore means the knowledge or traditions. Hence folklore is the tradition of common people and it is also a source to express the culture (Ultey, 1968). In oral tradition Folklore is considered as main source of information which moves in multiple generations. In Folklore and folk life, include the all way of living in that particular cultural through which people can become a member of that culture (Hassan, 1995). Research done by Quddus (1992) concluded that folklore plays the significant role to express the culture, through folklores the norms tradition and values are shared form one area to another or one generation to another. In Folklores basically the characteristic of that culture are shown, that also help to expose any culture within a particular population comprising the traditions of that culture, subculture, or group (Quddus, 1992). According to Ultey (1968), folklore helps to understand the past and also often help to shape the present. Folklore is then, is an important oral tradition, transmitted by word of mouth, source of learning in specific culture that starts from lullaby which used to sing when children are very little. Through lullabies, folk stories, proverbs, riddles, actually the roles and norms of that specific culture are transmitted and internalized by the person that how life can spend. These norms and tradition supports person through out the whole life. These folklores are dominating on whole part of mans life like folk song sing at the time of happiness, riddles proverb indirectly give the message of norm and belief (Ultey, 1968). Folklores are the oral literature and are also a form of socialization. Gender roles, in particular, are reflected in legends, tales, and myths etc traditionally shared in oral traditions of particular interest. Folklore oral literature provides a rich source of cultural history and socialization, transmitting and reinforcing messages associated with central values (Allen etal, 2006). Folklores work as vehicle, through which tradition circulate, like tool to transform values from one culture to another culture. Folklores serve both as entertainment as well as socialization, where gender roles and images are depicted. Through folklores the man and women socially accepted role is explained. These roles and duties are slowly changed with passage of time but still practices in any shape in world. Gender images created by folksongs can therefore reveal a great deal about the societal attitudes toward gender (Mahan, 1978). Tempest stated in her research that folklores are the most important tool of socialization as these are sometimes used as stereotype. Different kinds of stereotype roles are being presented through folklores (Tempest, 2001). Munir (1990) described in his research that, in Pakistan large number of unwritten folklores passes orally from generation to generation. The crafts, rituals, legends, epics, ballads, folk tales, songs dances and riddles are still alive today and there main characteristic are the mixture of different culture and region which makes the culture as unique and specific. But fusion of different culture doesnt become the cause of removal of originality of Pakistani culture. The patterns of culture clearly move on its own right way. This diversity and dynamic of cultural make our heritage powerful and alive (Munir, 1990). Shahed said that folk literature is changed and diminished due to urbanization. He stated that in older times folk literature was related to land, peasantry and traditional things but now knowledge is transformed because of urbanization (Shahed, 1993). Folklores have broad ranges of expression. It can be oral, material, and behavioral. folklores include; ballad which is traditional poem or folksong, fairy tales which are traditional stories, conveying stereotypical messages, folk dance are also called ethnic dance that are originated with the common people of the cultural group, folk song is a traditional song that is collected for different occasion and handed down orally, joke is a technique in which game of word play, in humorous way that provoke laughter, legends are traditional historical tales usually containing a mixture of fact and fiction but regarded as true, superstition is an irrational belief usually involving supernatural forces and associated with rituals, folk tales popular tales, which are love stories and mostly tragically ended, Folk games are those games which are traditionally very famous; these are practice and passed from generation to generation and riddles are linguistic puzzle in the form of a question whi ch also containing clues to its solution (Bruchac etal, 2004). Riddle is one of the aspects of folklore which is important medium for transmitting of culture, education, knowledge and skills to children. Riddles play important roles as a means of socialization and social learning. Riddles are actually puzzle, games of words, it can be comprised of one or two sentences or more than that, which can be solved through interaction and symbolic activities (Eastman Kallen, 1979). A riddle is a mysterious statement and description that contains a hidden meaning to be guessed by to whom it is addressed. Riddles also involve analogy of meaning, sound, Rhythm, or tone (Fant, 1985). Mostly riddles are taken as a game and structure of those riddle are like question, through its analyses and definition other people assume the answer. Riddles have binary relation, which has question and answer of it. Riddles are formulated in special sitting, in which two or more then two people sit in one place, one asks the riddles question and other person or persons guess its answer. Mostly these sitting are arranging in some occasion like harvesting, in evening, leisure time, in homes, in field and any other social meeting, where group of people assembled, belong to same culture; know about tradition, belief, etc (Burns, 1976). The riddling can be played in different ages of people. In some tradition only children engage in riddling. In some tradition adults can participate in the riddling of children, in some traditions riddling is mostly an adult hobby. In some traditions, riddling is mostly an activity associated with only males. But in the majority of cultures it is leisure-time activity or traditions, both male and female participate in this activity and they also participate in mixed groups including both women and men while elsewhere females are said to specialize in formulation of riddles. It is general belief that females are more intelligent than man and riddles require intelligence. Riddles mainly based on common household items, crops names, animals names, daily activities, heavenly objects, cultural artifacts, parts of the body, etc. (Green Pepicello, 1984) There are no proper and strict rules and regulations for riddling, that has to follow. But mostly two or three things are arranged before to start riddling, that is to have people who ask question or guess answer, and the event or scenario from which riddle asked. Nevertheless these rules are important, whether it is verbal activity. Riddles functions as umbrella categories, of socialization, entertainment, and education (Burns, 1976). According to Messengers (1960), Riddles are part of folklore so through folklores, culture and tradition are transferred from one generation to another. Riddle inculcates the culture and proper behavior of life in a child. Interesting sessions and repetition of asking riddles mostly memorize the children who repeat it with their friends, or other people and learn them (Messenger, 1960). Research done by Tempest (2001) found that riddles are type of folklores that are used to convey the stereotype messages. These stereotypes are also gender related and these riddles are mostly categorized between boys and girls, sons and daughters (Tempest, 2001). Another function of riddling is entertainment that plays in leisure time which is called leisure-time riddling. Riddling is also play in greeting occasion like marriage ceremony where people are gathered and enjoy their gathering (Burns, 1976). Riddle is usually played by people to entertain themselves during long winter nights. Of course it also helps to measure the intelligence of the people. Another time at which riddles are also played when people busy in field with harvesting they also play riddling for time pass and entertainment etc (Green Pepicello, 1984). According to Ishengoma (2005), riddles have important educational value because they develop critical thinking and memory among young children. It is meant for entertainment and education as well, especially for childs learning. In addition to enjoyment, riddles help in memory training for children as they are expected and encouraged to remember the correct answer to the riddles. They play important role in socialization and social learning of children. But riddles are still prevailing to use for education purpose as device to learn about cultural value, attitudes, and to teach dominant and submissive roles (Ishengoma, 2005). Green Pepicello (1984) discussed in the research that the main role of riddle is socialization of younger generation, that know about the items of daily routine like name of crops help to know about it, then their season of harvesting and using of that crops, these information are internalize through riddle. Riddles helped children to learn about gender roles and duties, their characteristic, culture and tradition according to which they spend their life (Green Pepicello, 1984). On the other side is also criticize that riddle has lacking the capacity to improve the mind, because riddle has stereotype question and answer and mostly answer is already known to the audience (Awedoba, 2000). Riddles have been a rich oral tradition, without doubt, throughout the world. Some societies play it in present times also. Now the concept of riddling is less in urban and rural population, but still play in rural population. Because in rural population has less source of entertainment like video, television, cinema and many others are not available. So people enjoy through riddles (Green Pepicello, 1984). Gender Roles are assigned by different folklores which gives identity. It means these biological and social characteristics become social-identity. These identities are internalizing in every person, and motivated to play these roles which actually culture associated with them, because those roles are socially and culturally accepted (Hassan, 1995). Culture also constructs the gender specific socio-economic differences in roles, responsibilities, constraints, opportunities and needs of men and women. These are set up in opposition to biological sex. Gender is a process of allocation of differences that is varied according to time and space, it needs to be historicized and situated geo-politically but also in terms of other structural variables such as social class, age, race, ethnicity, religion and sexuality. (Eagly, 1987) Gender roles are socially and culturally constructed and are a dynamic term that can be changed over time. Gender roles refer to the rights, responsibilities, expectations, and relationships of men and women. Gender is a logical concept for examining the status of women and men in a culture. Social Construction of gender is an end result of the process of socialization where the values, norms, beliefs, wisdom, philosophy, customs, skills and practices of the society are learned, acknowledged and internalized. (Njau, 1994) Through the process of socialization, values and behavior patterns associated with maleness and femaleness, are learned, acquired and assimilated. Gender roles are affected by socio-cultural expectations, qualities and behaviors that are expected from a male or a female by their society. These expectations originate in the pre-conception that certain qualities and roles are natural for women and unnatural for men. Males and females are socialized through social pressure, learning condition and act according to the different traits that society considers suitable for them. Socialization aims at preparing individuals for their respective roles in society, installing principles, forming individuals and making them practical members of society. Socialization means that people are taught to accept and perform the roles and functions fixed by society for them. Men and women are socialized to accept different gender roles from birth till death. Establishing different roles and expectations for men and women is a key feature of socialization in most societies. While men and women differ on account of their biological and anatomical constitution, gender differences are a product of socio-cultural traditions, which are created and perpetuated through cultural forms such as belief systems and rites as well as through proverbs and tales. (Kabira, 1994) Society is an enduring and cooperating social group, whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with each other. It is also a broad grouping of people having common traditions, collective activities and interests. Social groups develop society. Every society has its own norms, customs and traditions, which depend on its geographical and social culture also. Through socialization individuals, are prepared for their respective roles in society to make them useful members of society (Edgar, 1987). Male family members are considered the breadwinner and head of the household and make decisions for family members. The sexual division of labor is hierarchical with men on top and women on bottom. In Punjabi culture, it is society, who ascribes various roles for men and women in a fixed location and family life is determined by the men folk alone due to the customs of patrilineal character in the families that is found there. Customs and property generally flow from the male persons of the previous generation to the next generation and women of the family have no articulation in family matters. (Quduss, 1992) The study aims to look the functionality and importance of riddles in Punjabi society. The significance of the present study can be used as a source in reviewing the riddles that had been posed in past by village people and will present gender images depicted in riddles. It will also explain how gender is portrayed in these riddles and how this folklore play important role in socialization process. The present study also had a unique dimension as a very few researches had mainly focused on riddles. The purpose to conduct this research is to preserve our cultural-lore which was diminishing with the passage of time. The study would be focused towards collection and analysis of riddles. It was an attempt to capture and understand the feelings of people of the rural society of Punjab.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Maturation Of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- essays research papers

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn begins with Huck introducing himself. He is wild and carefree, playing jokes on people and believing them all to be hilarious. When his adventures grow to involve new moral questions never before raised, there is a drastic change in his opinions, thoughts, and his views of "right and wrong", and Huck's "rejection of the values of society has tried to instill in him" (Wright 154). By the time the book is over, it is apparent that he has matured greatly since the beginning of the novel. Certainly the people and events Huck comes in contact with through his adventures causes this change, which include: Jim, the Duke and the King with the Wilks' family, Pap and the Widow Douglas, and the time spent with the Grangerfords. The person who affected Huck the most was Jim. Jim was Huck's companion throughout the entire journey. At first Huck considers Jim only as a "nigger" because of the way he was brought up, yet Jim is much more than a stereotypical slave and Huck develops a deep feeling of loyalty toward him. During their adventure together, Huck always feels a duty to reveal Jim's identity as a runaway slave, but is held back when he remembers Jim's kindness and integrity "Jim would always call me honey†¦ and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was" (Twain 95). An example when Huck questions his morals and helps Jim is when they are traveling down the river when they come across m... The Maturation Of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- essays research papers The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn begins with Huck introducing himself. He is wild and carefree, playing jokes on people and believing them all to be hilarious. When his adventures grow to involve new moral questions never before raised, there is a drastic change in his opinions, thoughts, and his views of "right and wrong", and Huck's "rejection of the values of society has tried to instill in him" (Wright 154). By the time the book is over, it is apparent that he has matured greatly since the beginning of the novel. Certainly the people and events Huck comes in contact with through his adventures causes this change, which include: Jim, the Duke and the King with the Wilks' family, Pap and the Widow Douglas, and the time spent with the Grangerfords. The person who affected Huck the most was Jim. Jim was Huck's companion throughout the entire journey. At first Huck considers Jim only as a "nigger" because of the way he was brought up, yet Jim is much more than a stereotypical slave and Huck develops a deep feeling of loyalty toward him. During their adventure together, Huck always feels a duty to reveal Jim's identity as a runaway slave, but is held back when he remembers Jim's kindness and integrity "Jim would always call me honey†¦ and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was" (Twain 95). An example when Huck questions his morals and helps Jim is when they are traveling down the river when they come across m...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The College Diet and Its Effect On Eating Habits Essay -- Eating Disor

The College Diet and Its Effect On Eating Habits Food -- it is a necessity. There is not one person who does not think about it on a daily basis. For a college student, the quality of food available is not always to the highest of standards. Many students can not afford to buy expensive food or eat out on a regular basis. Many times their only option left is to eat from their school’s dining halls. The transition into college can be one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life. They are starting a new chapter in their lives that may have a lasting effect on their future. Many new friendships will be made, along with countless amounts of changes in their life including new habitat, change in income, workload amounts, and eating habits. Change in eating habits is one of the most significant changes a college student experiences. There are many different factors for this change such as being away from home and home-cooked meals, late night snacks, increase in alcoholic beverage consumption, along with the fact that many college students now have a meal plan to eat at their college dining halls. At Northeastern University, the Dining Services Department works very hard to try to accommodate the many different needs of their students. Bill Fantasia (Director of Residential Dining), failed to respond to several attempts to set up an interview regarding the dining hall’s healthy aspects, however, research and trips to the dining hall provided information on the options offered. Many college dining halls have a limited amount of diverse foods. The presence of healthy foods may sometimes only be the salad bar. The lack of healthy food, along with the idea of having an endless supply of the food offered during e... ...genetic, environmental, and social factors. College-life includes many of these factors and occurs more often in college-aged females than males. Another fact is that the males in college tend to dine more frequently at the school's dining halls than females. About 43 percent of males surveyed eat 10-15 times a week at Northeastern’s dining halls; whereas only about 14 percent of females do. However, 50 percent of females surveyed eat 1-4 times a week, whereas only 7 percent of males eat 1-4 times a week. There are many books out for college students, if they are interested in eating well while living at school. One such book is called the College Student’s Guide to Eating Well on Campus by Ann Selkowitz, M.S., R.D., L.D. This book describes the basics of nutrition, along with why the freshman 15 occurs and how to avoid it and other healthy eating techniques. The College Diet and Its Effect On Eating Habits Essay -- Eating Disor The College Diet and Its Effect On Eating Habits Food -- it is a necessity. There is not one person who does not think about it on a daily basis. For a college student, the quality of food available is not always to the highest of standards. Many students can not afford to buy expensive food or eat out on a regular basis. Many times their only option left is to eat from their school’s dining halls. The transition into college can be one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life. They are starting a new chapter in their lives that may have a lasting effect on their future. Many new friendships will be made, along with countless amounts of changes in their life including new habitat, change in income, workload amounts, and eating habits. Change in eating habits is one of the most significant changes a college student experiences. There are many different factors for this change such as being away from home and home-cooked meals, late night snacks, increase in alcoholic beverage consumption, along with the fact that many college students now have a meal plan to eat at their college dining halls. At Northeastern University, the Dining Services Department works very hard to try to accommodate the many different needs of their students. Bill Fantasia (Director of Residential Dining), failed to respond to several attempts to set up an interview regarding the dining hall’s healthy aspects, however, research and trips to the dining hall provided information on the options offered. Many college dining halls have a limited amount of diverse foods. The presence of healthy foods may sometimes only be the salad bar. The lack of healthy food, along with the idea of having an endless supply of the food offered during e... ...genetic, environmental, and social factors. College-life includes many of these factors and occurs more often in college-aged females than males. Another fact is that the males in college tend to dine more frequently at the school's dining halls than females. About 43 percent of males surveyed eat 10-15 times a week at Northeastern’s dining halls; whereas only about 14 percent of females do. However, 50 percent of females surveyed eat 1-4 times a week, whereas only 7 percent of males eat 1-4 times a week. There are many books out for college students, if they are interested in eating well while living at school. One such book is called the College Student’s Guide to Eating Well on Campus by Ann Selkowitz, M.S., R.D., L.D. This book describes the basics of nutrition, along with why the freshman 15 occurs and how to avoid it and other healthy eating techniques.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech -- New York Yankees Baseball Essays

Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech Throughout the course of American history, there have been copious amounts of famous speeches, spoken by many different people. From political figures to sports players; these people have provided deep thoughts and great insights about who they are and the world we live in today. Being a sports enthusiast, a memorable speech comes to my mind. Lou Gehrig’s â€Å"farewell speech†, given on July 4th, 1939, to more than 62,000 fans at New York City’s Yankee Stadium, has become a cornerstone in the history of baseball in America. Lou Gehrig is considered one of the most under-rated sports players of all time. Gehrig played in the same era with greats like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio. In Fact, Gehrig played on the same team and actually batted behind Ruth and DiMaggio. Gehrig’s nickname is the â€Å"Iron Horse,† which came about with Gehrig’s amazing consecutive games played streak. Gehrig played in 2,130 consecutive games, which stood as th e consecutive games record until just recently broken by Cal Ripken, Jr. Gehrig died in 1941, at the age of 37. Though many famous speeches have been spoken throughout time, Lou Gehrig’s farewell speech has remained one of the most memorable speeches of all time, due to the way he captivated his fans with the use of rhetoric. Lou Gehrig was known as a modest man and a â€Å"tireless worker,† with remarkable work habits. Gehrig was the first athlete in history to have his jersey retired. Famous number 4 was retired in 1939. Gehrig also holds the record for most grand slams in a career with 23. Gehrig was the first player in history to drive in 500 runs in three consecutive seasons. Gehrig’s farewell speech was definitely directed towards baseball fans; more specifical... ...ou see through examples, all three types of rhetoric are present in Gehrig’s farewell speech. One thing that is NOT present in this speech is the use of fallacies. Gehrig’s speech was a genuine address, catered to baseball fans all over about the seriousness of Gehrig’s removal from baseball. This speech does not have a weakness, nor does it have a lack of soundness. Lou Gehrig, one of the most under-rated sports players of all time, exhibits a great speech. It clearly represents the author, as well as the audience and its purpose. The structure of Lou Gehrig’s farewell speech is represented by cause and effect. The speech also appeals to all three forms of rhetoric – Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. This speech will remain a famous speech for ages to come, due to its solid structure, sound attack on all three types of rhetoric, as well as its lack of flaws.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

African Americans and Racial Diversity

There are many organizations that advocate equality for African Americans in the United States. Many organizations will promote the African American race and show what concerns are being felt by their race. Those that advocate for their race give a description of how they fall in history, what discrimination they endured and what prejudice they still have to deal with. These groups and organizations promote the idea to bring discrimination to a stop in their cultures around the world. African Americans and Racial Equality African Americans have made their way to freedom, but have been left with a heavy burden of their ancestor’s slavery. Would they ever be seen as anything but slaves brought unwilling from Africa to the United States to be enslaved and be servants to the White Man? Those questions can be answered by looking at the history of African Americans and how they have become great leaders in this country. Rosa Parks may have not been the first Black woman to give up her seat on the bus, but she stared a chain of events that would eventually bring segregation to an end. That day in 1955, Rosa Parks paved the way for people like Barak Obama to become the first African American President the United States has ever had. Before that time, African Americans had endured slavery, segregation, discrimination, and prejudice because of the color of their skin. Many African American men fought for our country in the civil war so they could be granted freedom after they served. Butler (2013) stated, â€Å"the Fourteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution revoking that fateful decision and ensuring citizenship, with all its rights and esponsibilities, to everyone born in the United States regardless of race. † (para. 1). There have been several political, social, and cultural issues and concerns throughout American history. Some political issues African American have faces according to history. house. gov (2013) â€Å"Since 1870, when Senator Hiram Revels of Mississippi and Representative Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first African Americans to serve in Congress, a total of 139 African Americans have served as U. S. Representatives or Senators. Social issues among African Americans are discrimination and prejudice within the United States and beyond. Many are discriminated against because of their race. Many black men and women are deprived of the earning abilities of that of the White man. They make less money and live in poverty striking communities. Because of slavery, many African Americans feel as though they will never been seen equal to others because of their ancestors. Until this mind set changes, history will continue to run the ideas and future of African Americans. Some cultural issues among the African American throughout history would be being accepted into a culture. Many slaves when freed started large communities made up of just Blacks. Without the same education and opportunities as White men and woman, they fell into poverty and struggled to grow as respected Americans. This permits for crime rates to be higher because they had to survive any way they could if only by stealing to be able to live. These issues among African American still exist today. The NAACP has fought for African American rights for generations. According to â€Å"Naacp: 100 Years Of History† (2009-2013), â€Å"The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes. † (Founding Group). The have helped many African American groups with their right to vote because even after they were granted the right, many were still denied. The NAACP has fought along site African Americans to bring justice and rights to those people who worked so hard to become free and receive equal rights in the United States. The United States Supreme Court alleviated slavery, and wrote into law that ll people should be treated equal. They gave African Americans the right to vote and be equals in their communities and states. They also were granted the right to become government officials. Although these laws have been added, discrimination and prejudice still exist in the United States. The NAACP and other organizations have and continue to fight for the rights of African American and other races. Blackradicalcongress. org has a list of originations that promote blacks in our country. These groups give support to African Americans and show the history of their culture. African Americans may carry a heavy burden of slavery from their ancestors, but they have become the staples of our culture. Through their determination our country has changed to make way for new opportunities for us to grow as a Nation. Every man has equal opportunity to make change and live a life without discrimination and prejudice. It takes one person to show the world that change can happen. Let’s make a change. Let’s all live without discrimination and treat everyone as an equal to ourselves. Reference Butler, C.  (2013).  The African-American Experience FROM ENSLAVEMENT TO EMANCIPATION.  Retrieved from History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, â€Å"Black Americans in Congress,† (July 07, 2013) NAACP: 100 Years of History. (2009-2013). Retrieved from Black Organizations. (). Retrieved from

Friday, August 16, 2019

“Ode to The West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley Essay

I chose the poem Ode to The West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley because I was attracted to the many images Shelley painted in the poem. Nature is a very interesting and powerful force and the way Shelley portrays it in this poem really caught my attention. Shelley also emphasizes the importance of words and their potential impact on a society if shared. This is a concept I found quite intriguing. In my research, I found that when Shelley wrote this poem he was visiting Italy. Throughout the poem, I noticed many references to Italy such as his account of the â€Å"blue Mediterranean† and Baiae’s bay in stanza III. I also noticed a large theme surrounding the topic of death and new life. Shelley wrote this poem shortly after the death of his son. He will often use winter as a metaphor for death. In the last line of the poem he asks for new life by saying â€Å"O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?† He also mentions Heaven in stanzas IV and II, transformi ng the wind into a divine being. When Shelley wrote this Ode he was not only grieving for his son but the lives lost in his home country of England as this was also written shortly after the Peterloo Masacre. Shelley considered himself to be a revolutionary and wanted his words to be spread and make a change. I saw this in the last stanza of the poem when Shelley describes his hopes that his words will be spread throughout the universe â€Å"Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth!† He hints at this once again in lines 68 and 69, telling the wind to prophesize his words to â€Å"unawakened Earth†. In the poem Ode to the West Wind, Percy Bysshe Shelley uses imagery, personification, and metaphors to describe the Wind as a fierce and powerful being who has the ability to give or take life. Shelley also has a strong desire to be like the wind so that his words will be spread throughout mankind. Shelley uses imagery in many different ways throughout this poem allowing the reader to activate his or her senses and feel the impact of the wind. When describing the leaves Shelley uses colors like yellow, red, and black to spark the strong feelings within the reader that these colors are often associated with. Yellow might make a reader think of sickness, while black is often associated with death or a dark power. Shelley shows this at the end of Stanza II when he describes the â€Å"Black rain† that will burst open the tomb of the years passed. This gives t he reader an image of sheer power  produced by the Wind. He also uses color to portray a more peaceful setting. In Stanza III Shelley uses blue and azure (often used to describe the blue sky) to depict a sleepy scene by the Mediterranean. Although as the Stanza progresses, Shelley uses gray to transition into a darker image. The reader experiences the image of a beautiful, pure sky quickly being taken over by a more unpleasant, fear inducing gray scene. Shelley’s descriptive language and use of color to provoke emotion in the reader contributes to the overall theme of the poem. Also adding to Shelley’s powerful portrayal of the Wind is his use of personification. Shelley had so much respect for the power and beauty of the Wind that he writes about it as though he is writing about a lover. The reader can observe this right away in the title and the type of poem Shelley has written. Odes are typically written about people therefore Shelley has made a pretty substantial statement about his feelings towards the Wind by writing an Ode to it. Not only does Shelley personify the Wind through the title and structure of the poem, but also in the way he describes it. One example of this can be found in the first line of Stanza I. â€Å"O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being†. T he use of the word â€Å"breath† here is very powerful because it associates the wind with human’s natural necessity to breathe. Shelley once again gives the Wind a human quality at the end of Stanza III when he says, â€Å"the oozy woods†¦ know Thy voice†. Giving the Wind a voice that is recognized and feared contributes to its overall power. This line also provokes the reader to think about the many beautiful sounds of the wind and its unique qualities, just as human voices are unique. Personifying the Wind helps the reader to understand Shelley’s appreciation for it and how powerful he felt the Wind was. To further contribute to his theme, Shelley uses many metaphors throughout his Ode. As mentioned earlier, Shelley mentions death and new life quite often. Stanza IV is the perfect example of Shelley’s use of metaphors to express a dying wish. In the beginning of this Stanza, Shelley uses nature as a metaphor for himself. He tells the Wind that he wishes to be carried away by it but cannot because he is sadly only human. Shelley expresses a sadness of the limitations we have as humans and our inferiority to the Wind in this Stanza as well. In line 54 Shelley gives a metaphor describing human limitations in the form of thorns when he says â€Å"I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!† In the Last two lines of the Stanza Shelley uses a metaphor  to enhance the readers understanding of why he is so infatuated with the Wind. â€Å"A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.† Shelley is expressing his wish to be unbound by limitations that the Wind does not have to experience. The poem Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley uses imagery, personification, and strong metaphors to convey the author’s love for the Wind and his desire to be like it. Shelley wanted his words to change people’s opinions and drive a powerful force, like a strong wind. He admired the Wind’s ability to spread everything around it so quickly. He also admired its power. The reader can feel this sense of admiration and love through Shelley’s writing in this poem.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Music of the Baroque Period

Review Questions 1. What is a symphony? A symphony is an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements, at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form. 2. What is a sonata? How is it related to the sonata form? A sonata is a composition for an instrumental soloist, with piano accompaniment, in several movements with one or more in sonata form. Sonata form is a piece of music in three sections, in ABA form, which are exposition, development, and recapitulation. 3. What is a coda? A coda is pieces at the end of a musical piece that are extended past the capitulation. . What are the three different parts of the sonata form? Describe each part. The first part of sonata from is the exposition. The exposition is where the composer â€Å"exposes† the themes of the music which are the first subject group and the second subject group. The second is the development. The development is the section of the music where the composer builds on the themes that were introduced in the exposition. This is also where the tension in the piece is built up. The recapitulation is the third and final part of the sonata form and it is the exposition is slightly repeated.The tension from the development eases, and the sound is subtle again. 5. What are the three different periods of Beethoven's work? Describe each part. Beethoven's work was organized into the early, the middle and the late periods. The early period was from 1779-1802, and that's when he composed his first and second symphonies. The middle period was from 1803-1814. He experimented with different techniques at that time. The late period was from 1815-1827, and his works reflect the transition into the Romantic period. Critical Thinking Questions 6. What are the characteristics of the music of the Classical period?When referring to the music of the classical period, people think about the Viennese school. Many great composers attended the school, such as Haydn, Mozart, and Beeth oven. The Classical music period was a mix of many different ideas, as everyone was sharing thoughts, and music. 7. How does the music of the Classical period differ from the music of the Baroque period? The music of the baroque period was said to be classified as a period of elaborate music. The music of the Classical period is more â€Å"down to earth† music and sought after beauty rather than complex melodies. Music of the Baroque Period By representatives

Good Night Motel Case

When making his decision, McGregor should consider seriously the negative consequences that his business will experience if he refuses Alward’s offer to fill the motel for the two weekend nights in October, at half the room rate. If McGregor refuses, during that weekend his motel will be at his usual capacity of less than quarter full. With the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! In addition, if he refuses, McGregor’s reputation in the community will suffer, and he will also lose all future business from Alward’s group and other church groups, at regular price.Consequently, Justin McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a special one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. The quantitative factors involved dictate that McGregor should accept Alward’s off er for accommodations for his church group, at half the room rate, for Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27.According to the facts of the case, pre-2008, from October 16 to May 14, the motel was rarely more than a quarter full at any time while post-2008, the motel’s occupancy rates fell 7 to 15 percent year round. In other words, if McGregor refuses Alward’s offer, during that weekend, the motel will be at its usual capacity of less than quarter full. However, with the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! Half-full is better than less than a quarter full, so logic dictates that McGregor must accept Alward’s offer.There will be more guests occupying all rooms at half the rate than if there were regular guests paying the regular price and filling fewer than a quarter of the motel’s rooms. However, this fact means that service costs and maintenance cost will be higher with Alward’s group than with reg ular customers. In other words, with the motel being at full capacity, McGregor’s maintenance and cleaning staff will be a lot busier than usual, servicing a motel at full capacity.Paying for the maintenance and cleaning of all rooms at the motel will further decrease the amount of money that McGregor will make from Alward’s group. In other words, in strict quantitative terms, Alward’s offer is a bad idea for McGregor. However, in the small resort community where the motel is located, quantitative factors are not everything. McGregor will suffer all sorts of negative consequences from church groups and other members of the community if he refuses Alward’s offer. Therefore, the prudent thing to do is to accept Alward’s offer with two conditions. The opportunity costIn fact, McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a speci al one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. Considering that McGregor and his wife run the motel, which is their source of livelihood, these two conditions are reasonable. In addition, McGregor should make sure to ask Alward to impress upon his church group that the fact they are paying half the regular motel price means that the church group will receive half the regular service!This means that the church group guests must be clean and tidy, and they must not depend on the motel’s maintenance people. In theory, none of this should be a problem, especially with a group of church people, who are supposed to be kind, understanding, cooperative, and so on. In any case, the fact that the church group will stay for only two days means that they most likely won’t make huge messes, so McGregor will not have to pay his cleaning crew to repair. In addition, the church group guests will probably spend most of their time during the day at the church a nd go to the motel mostly to sleep.All these facts are only fair to McGregor, whose livelihood depends on that motel, at a time of a weak national economy. Being â€Å"a good man† (p. 3), Alward must surely understand all these facts. As a result, if I were McGregor, I would respectfully explain all these facts to Alward, appeal to his sense of fairness, and ask for his cooperation. The qualitative factors that McGregor should consider have to do with Grand Bend, which is a small resort community. Refusing to accommodate a church group would bring negative publicity to the Good Night Motel.As a result, McGregor will lose all future business (at regular prices) from Alward’s church group and most likely from other church groups, too. In fact, besides being a good man, Alward is â€Å"well respected in the community† (p. 3). This fact means that McGregor should do all he can to develop a good working relationship with Alward, who will bring more church groups in t he future. If Alward asks for the half-price rate again in the future, McGregor will be in a much better position to refuse.The community people will not be as critical then (in the future, if Alward asks for the half-price deal again) as if they will be if McGregor refuses Alward’s first request. In other words, the resort community is too small for McGregor to decide solely based on the numbers. Reputation is very important in such communities, especially when church people are concerned. They tend to travel and spread the news about which businesses are customer-centered and which are money-centered, to put the matter simply.In general, when making a decision, managers need to consider the opportunity cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the sacrifice of the best alternative for a given action. An (accounting) expense is a cost incurred to generate a revenue† (p. 24). Since this is a small town, and the church group will stay for only two days, the opportu nity cost will bring more customers for the future. In addition, managers must consider the marginal cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the cost of producing one more unit† (p.28).In terms of cleaning the pool, it will not have an effect since most of the time people will spend in the church, and the only time they will spend in the Good Night Motel is night time only for sleeping purposes. As a result, the only additional cost to accommodate the guess is the cleaning service of the rooms. In addition, McGregor must consider his fixed cost, which is a cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of goods or services produced.In the final analysis, the fact that Alward is a good man who enjoys the community’s respect and the fact that he works with churches (a central institution in small communities) mean that McGregor can’t afford to refuse to work with Alward. Even if McGregor breaks even, he should still accommodate the chu rch group. If he doesn’t accommodate it, he will suffer all sorts of negative consequences: loss of future business from church groups at regular price, bad publicity in a small resort community, and so on. In other words, the big picture (quantitative factors) is more important in this case. Good Night Motel Case When making his decision, McGregor should consider seriously the negative consequences that his business will experience if he refuses Alward’s offer to fill the motel for the two weekend nights in October, at half the room rate. If McGregor refuses, during that weekend his motel will be at his usual capacity of less than quarter full. With the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! In addition, if he refuses, McGregor’s reputation in the community will suffer, and he will also lose all future business from Alward’s group and other church groups, at regular price.Consequently, Justin McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a special one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. The quantitative factors involved dictate that McGregor should accept Alward’s off er for accommodations for his church group, at half the room rate, for Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27.According to the facts of the case, pre-2008, from October 16 to May 14, the motel was rarely more than a quarter full at any time while post-2008, the motel’s occupancy rates fell 7 to 15 percent year round. In other words, if McGregor refuses Alward’s offer, during that weekend, the motel will be at its usual capacity of less than quarter full. However, with the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! Half-full is better than less than a quarter full, so logic dictates that McGregor must accept Alward’s offer.There will be more guests occupying all rooms at half the rate than if there were regular guests paying the regular price and filling fewer than a quarter of the motel’s rooms. However, this fact means that service costs and maintenance cost will be higher with Alward’s group than with reg ular customers. In other words, with the motel being at full capacity, McGregor’s maintenance and cleaning staff will be a lot busier than usual, servicing a motel at full capacity.Paying for the maintenance and cleaning of all rooms at the motel will further decrease the amount of money that McGregor will make from Alward’s group. In other words, in strict quantitative terms, Alward’s offer is a bad idea for McGregor. However, in the small resort community where the motel is located, quantitative factors are not everything. McGregor will suffer all sorts of negative consequences from church groups and other members of the community if he refuses Alward’s offer. Therefore, the prudent thing to do is to accept Alward’s offer with two conditions. The opportunity costIn fact, McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a speci al one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. Considering that McGregor and his wife run the motel, which is their source of livelihood, these two conditions are reasonable. In addition, McGregor should make sure to ask Alward to impress upon his church group that the fact they are paying half the regular motel price means that the church group will receive half the regular service!This means that the church group guests must be clean and tidy, and they must not depend on the motel’s maintenance people. In theory, none of this should be a problem, especially with a group of church people, who are supposed to be kind, understanding, cooperative, and so on. In any case, the fact that the church group will stay for only two days means that they most likely won’t make huge messes, so McGregor will not have to pay his cleaning crew to repair. In addition, the church group guests will probably spend most of their time during the day at the church a nd go to the motel mostly to sleep.All these facts are only fair to McGregor, whose livelihood depends on that motel, at a time of a weak national economy. Being â€Å"a good man† (p. 3), Alward must surely understand all these facts. As a result, if I were McGregor, I would respectfully explain all these facts to Alward, appeal to his sense of fairness, and ask for his cooperation. The qualitative factors that McGregor should consider have to do with Grand Bend, which is a small resort community. Refusing to accommodate a church group would bring negative publicity to the Good Night Motel.As a result, McGregor will lose all future business (at regular prices) from Alward’s church group and most likely from other church groups, too. In fact, besides being a good man, Alward is â€Å"well respected in the community† (p. 3). This fact means that McGregor should do all he can to develop a good working relationship with Alward, who will bring more church groups in t he future. If Alward asks for the half-price rate again in the future, McGregor will be in a much better position to refuse.The community people will not be as critical then (in the future, if Alward asks for the half-price deal again) as if they will be if McGregor refuses Alward’s first request. In other words, the resort community is too small for McGregor to decide solely based on the numbers. Reputation is very important in such communities, especially when church people are concerned. They tend to travel and spread the news about which businesses are customer-centered and which are money-centered, to put the matter simply.In general, when making a decision, managers need to consider the opportunity cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the sacrifice of the best alternative for a given action. An (accounting) expense is a cost incurred to generate a revenue† (p. 24). Since this is a small town, and the church group will stay for only two days, the opportu nity cost will bring more customers for the future. In addition, managers must consider the marginal cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the cost of producing one more unit† (p.28).In terms of cleaning the pool, it will not have an effect since most of the time people will spend in the church, and the only time they will spend in the Good Night Motel is night time only for sleeping purposes. As a result, the only additional cost to accommodate the guess is the cleaning service of the rooms. In addition, McGregor must consider his fixed cost, which is a cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of goods or services produced.In the final analysis, the fact that Alward is a good man who enjoys the community’s respect and the fact that he works with churches (a central institution in small communities) mean that McGregor can’t afford to refuse to work with Alward. Even if McGregor breaks even, he should still accommodate the chu rch group. If he doesn’t accommodate it, he will suffer all sorts of negative consequences: loss of future business from church groups at regular price, bad publicity in a small resort community, and so on. In other words, the big picture (quantitative factors) is more important in this case. Addendum (Computations) 30 rooms 25% occupancy 8 rooms at $80$640 The rest 22 room at $40 per room22 rooms at $ 40$880 Total Revenue$1520 Additional cleaning Expense ( student Help)2 days 10 hour at $10/hour $200.00 Cleaning and laundry supply $12,070.00 Maintenance supply and expense $11,890.00 Utility including Internet $74,850.00 Total Variable cost per year $98,810.00 Per day $270.71 For two days $541.42 $541.42 Total additional variable cost $741.42 The revenue from the church guests is $880, and additional variable costs associated with accommodations is an extra $741.42.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Business And Cultural Environment Of Syria Economics Essay

Business And Cultural Environment Of Syria Economics Essay Syria (officially the Syrian Arab Republic) is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest. Syria has been governed by the Baath Party since 1963, although actual power is concentrated to the presidency and a narrow grouping of military and political strongmen (Wikipedia, 2010). Moreover, the nature in Syria is distinctly diversified. It contains seashores, mountains, forests, dessert, rivers, caves, natural and artificial lakes, and a lot summer resorts. All this along with the diversity in the antiques, the ancient cities with its markets, khans and old domiciles, the handicrafts and the traditional industries contribute to formulate a unique attracting compound tourism product. Analysis of Syria Business Environment Cultural Environment in Syria Languages Arabic is the official language, spoken by 89% of the population, while 6% speak Kurdish, 3% Armenia n and 2% other languages. Otherwise, English and French are spoken in business circles (Arabic German Consulting, 1999). Ethnic groups Syrians are an overall indigenous Levantine people, closely related to their immediate neighbors such as Lebanses, Palestinians, and Jordanians. While modern-day Syrians are commonly described as Arabs by virtue of their modern-day language and bonds to Arab culture and history; they are in fact largely a blend of the various Aramaic speaking Syriac groups indigenous to the region who were Arabized when Muslim. Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula arrived and settled following the Arab expansion. Religions The overwhelming majority of the Syrian population is Sunni Muslim. Other Muslims which include: Ismailis, Shiites, and Alawites. Of the non-Muslims in Syria, most are Christians, primarily Greek and Armenian Orthodox. Religious minorities include Druze, who follows a religion related to Islam, and a community of approximately 1000 Jews. Syria has 70% Sunni Muslim, 12% Christians (almost is Orthodox and Greek Catholic) and 18% other minority groups including Jews and Druzes (Arabic German Consulting, 1999). Syria Culture Syria is a traditional society with a long cultural history. Importance is placed on family, religion, education and self discipline and respect. The Syrian’s taste for the traditional arts is expressed in dancing such as the al-Samah, the Dabkeh in all their variations and the sword dance. Marriage ceremonies and the birth of children are occasions for the lively demonstration of folk customs (Advameg, Inc., 2010). Traditional Houses of the Old Cities in Damascus, Aleppo and the other Syrian cities are preserved and traditionally the living quarters are arranged around one or more courtyards, typically with a fountain in the middle supplied by spring water, and decorated with citrus trees, grape vines, and flowers. Political and Legal Environment in Syria The Syria government hopes to attract new investme nt in the tourism, natural gas, and service sectors to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil and agriculture. Syria has begun to institute economic reforms aimed at liberalizing most markets, but reform thus far has been slow and ad hoc. For ideological reasons, privatization of government enterprises is still not widespread, but is in its initial stage for port operations, power generation, and air transport. Almost sectors are open for private investment except for cotton mills, land telecommunications, and bottled water.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Discuss the role that governments have played in the development of Essay

Discuss the role that governments have played in the development of the Australian system of employment relations since 1980 - Essay Example Therefore, a sound employment relations system should create a favourable environment that is ideal for achieving maximum economic efficiency, motivation, productivity, employee development, and enhancing employee loyalty (Lewis, et al., 2003, p. 7). There are three main parties that make up the employment relations systems: employers, employees and the government. Employers have certain rights that are provided by their state labour laws. The main employer right is the ability to hire and fire employees. They also have a right to relocate, close or enter into collaboration with their company of choice. Moreover, employers have the right to introduce new technologies within the work place. Rights exercised by the employer may to some extent affect the employees adversely (Gardner, 1997, p. 6). Employees always aim at getting the best terms and conditions of employment from their employers. This process involves sharing their opinions with the management and also airing their grievanc es. Employees also use trade unions to fight for the right to take part in decision making at their workplace. Workers unions serve the purpose of presenting concerns of workers to the management, and they are as a result of workers uniting together against their employers (Gardner, 1997, p. 7). State and central government are particularly crucial in influencing and regulating employment relations through rules, laws, memorandums, and issuance of awards. Government includes tribunal courts, third parties and labour institution within the government (Gardner, 1997, p. 9). The three main parties in the employment system have their own representative bodies, which work on behalf of the entire party. Employers are represented by employers associations, employees by trade unions while the government is represented by the courts and tribunals such as Fair Work Australia (Forsyth and Stewart 2009, p. 4). The scope of employment relations is extremely wide, and there are five main issues c overed under the employment relations scope. These issues include collective bargaining, mechanisms for settling employment disputes, standing orders, involvement of workers in decision making process, and unfair labour practices (Rose, 2008, p. 11). Employers should be in the forefront in ensuring that there is a strong and healthy relationship between them and their employees. These excellent relationships can only be achieved through employment relations programs that are vital in the development of a motivated, competent, and loyal team of employees. This team can only be achieved through a well structured employment relations program that focuses on employee training, employee surveys, employee reward and recognition, and employee appraisal. Moreover, the program should focus on proper conflict resolution mechanism and hiring of most suitable workers (Lewis, et al., 2003, p. 27). Employment relations systems from various countries around the world operate in different styles, b ut the main aim is to maintain a healthy relationship between all the parties involved. Governments have contributed immensely in the creation of ideal working environments for the citizens. The Australian government is one such

Monday, August 12, 2019

Foreign Newspaper Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign Newspaper Report - Research Paper Example I choose the article â€Å"World economy on verge of new jobs crash and bigger recession on the way† and â€Å"Corrupt nation holding a gun, to a just as corrupted EU head's† on which the report will focus (Smith 4). There is a specific theoretical framework that I am on familiar terms with, which journalists make their analysis. This particular theoretical framework is the title of the articles the journalists use for their analysis. When the journalists write the title, they already show the readers what side of the story they have taken and will concentrate on portraying it that way. The journalists ponder and develop their thoughts and facts on what the possible reactions would come from the topic of the article. The journalists take the thoughts that are related in one way or another to the topic of the article and put them in a group of themes that frame the story in the article as a whole (Heiss 3). There are a number of elements apart from the theoretical framew ork that are made out or which can be applied on the articles chosen. The newspaper articles utilize the 5w’s which stand for who, what, where, when, etcetera in the first paragraph through to the second paragraph. The Journalist of the articles chosen, utilize a number of a lot of paragraphs that are short and to the point instead of long paragraphs because if the readers see long paragraphs a majority may not likely read the article. The articles start with a new paragraph every time a novel quote is appended or novel information is put in, add interest to article, and supports the story.. The articles have creative headlines with large fonts that grab the attention of readers and relates soundly to the topic. The articles have a byline, which provides the name of the writer. The articles chosen have a lead sentence that is used to capture the attention of readers, as well as sums up the focal point of the lead. The lead sentence in these articles recognizes the subject, la ys down the tone, as well as guiding the reader to reading the articles. The newspaper articles chosen are chronological, cause and effect, classification, list, and inquire and answer questions relating to the topic (Smith 6). Global finance and corruption are international issues that are important to the UK. Global finance is important to the UK because it directs how business will be carried out in the entire United Kingdom. Global finance enables the UK to know where it stands and lets it to make sound economic decisions that favor the country by studying and evaluating the economic trends in other countries worldwide with which they do business with as a whole. Corruption is important to the UK because corruption affects the country as a whole, it undermines political development, democracy, economic development, the environment, peoples health and others (Heiss 5). The likely implications of global finance and corruption that global finance enable a country to grow and be abl e to develop because of the information that global finance holds. This is because sometimes the global community influences how a country makes its fiscal decisions for it to be able to triumph and make sound decisions for the country as a whole. The implications for corruption is that corruptions make a country to lower its development as a country in a number of ways, which degrades the country and makes the country poor,